Saturday, July 11, 2015

Perfectly Perfetti

I really like Robin’s work. I tried a pattern she posted (a rework of a Tina Frauberger pattern) that I think would be great on a hankie if done in a #80.

This is tatted in a #12 Perle cotton:
Also, I had some lilac thread left so...

p.s. The Boss is very happy with hers and deemed the tale of the missing "B" to be amusing. Ah, still so easily pleased at nine!


  1. Beautiful edging!!! :)
    Another great bracelet!! :)

  2. Love that edging, and Robin's work as well. Not sure I could handle size 80 - uff da!
    The bracelets are perfect for those kiddos - and good practice ;) If I ever attempt those, I hope it's for one with a short name!

  3. That's a pretty edging! I love the bracelets! Lucky girls!

  4. I do like the pattern no will try it, but not size 80 my eyes won't do it,
    So glad the Biss likes her bracelet, easy to please at these young ages, it's gets harder as they get older.

  5. Yes, it would make a splendid hanky endging. Glad Maeve got a bracelet too!

  6. Ooh, I wonder if the bookmark turn would work to make an edging corner as well. You've got me thinking again... :)

    If you haven't seen it, I've added a very short update post to include a note about attaching the corner floating rings (the ones made at the turn of the bookmark). It helps to stabilize them from flopping around.

    1. Thanks, Robin, I'll re-check that update. I have the hanky and the pattern. Will check my threads tonight.

      I was wondering about the corner, but will worry about that when I get there. Might take a while as this is not a quickie tat.

      Thanks for the pattern!

  7. The bracelets look great. Yes, if all else fails - and before all fails - just go to Jane's site first! She has such a wealth of information. I like the edging pattern also, and the color you've used. Very pretty. Good luck with the hanky.
