Monday, July 4, 2011

No Need For A Shrink...

...not with Gian around!  Astounding what happens to obsessive/compulsive tatting anxiety after one has been adopted by an amazingly great cat!

I have relaxed into tatting the border, not seeking perfection - which I will never find anyway - and am just trying to tat the best I can, not being too picky...  I only want to finish it.  It will be a long time before I tackle another hankie!  I have tatted one too many borders, I think.

Just over half tatted.

I tried out this tip I found somewhere online in a video.  Someone was talking about filling in that annoying space between the elements where the chain and the rings are difficult to pull together, like when you tat a cloverleaf followed by a chain...

It does work!


  1. JK poke something a little larger in it and it will stretch out and give you a hole. Sure glad I’m not “OC” lol I’d never show any of my work. luv ya bev

  2. Tatting itself can be an exercise in letting go of perfectionism.

    More pictures of Gian please?

  3. The edging looks great! You'll be finished in no time!

  4. Glad you're relaxing into it! When I tat a clover, I often use the 2nd half of the ds to pull it together. I don't usually add it into my stitch count, unless I'm doing front-side/backside tatting anyway as it just gets too complicated and takes the fun out of it.

  5. Fox, don't worry, before you know it the edging will be done and you'd decide to tat another. That's what happened to me... The edging's coming along rather nicely, don't think anyone notices the little gaps. They are everywhere in mind.

  6. Love your tatting as always, but the real reason that I commented on this was that I love Gian!!! I'm jealous because I'm owed a birthday present of a cat from 5 years ago and haven't been able to collect it yet. Hopefully we will be moving to place to have one in the next year.
