Thank you for your help. The suggestions were all good and valid, but, I have a peculiar learning style, and I am afraid I have not yet stumbled on the right instructions.
I will keep looking; perhaps at the
I might find another tatter to demonstrate the technique.
In Person!
I am going to a tatting event!!
ME, the , crowd-hating, antisocial,
claustrophobic curmudgeon - going to a Tatting Weekend!
I got very excited thinking about the event, and blundered my way through this heart, unaware of bulbous developments, happily stitching away. Fumbles and all, here it is.

After this, EGO and PRIDE disrupted the weekend.
Here's why.
I sent in a membership application to The Fringe Tatters Guild. A small, tatted heart is requested every year, as an example of tatting, at events and so forth. No big deal, right?
Very wrong. I sent in the form and a heart I had been pleased with a few months back, but as I thought about that little piece being representative of my tatting now, my eyes narrowed into little slits, my mouth tightened, turning low at the corners, and I became obsessed with the idea that PEOPLE would JUDGE that little heart -BADLY .
WOW! Get a life, Fox!
The result of this self-absorbed idiocy: I tatted a new heart, using Birgit Phelps's pattern, (from the last post) not changing it, but adding beads and a pink Swarovski crystal.
The crystal? A timely brain wave; I remembered a pair of earrings, never worn, purchased just for the beads. I dismantled them, swiped the crystals, and Bob's your uncle!
I tatted the heart in a few hours and sent it off to the guild with an explanatory note! Heaven knows what I said! I was just so anxious to get it in the mail ASAP!
Lucky I find myself so downright ridiculous, or I would be insufferably overbearing!
Here is the heart. It is a demonstration to no one but me about not much of anything! But, I must admit, I like it!
