Why was this beautiful motif so hard for me to tat?
Why has it taken me three days to tat it?
Why did I have to start it FOUR times?
Why did I decide to use beads after I had promised I would concentrate on the tatting?
Why did I have to cut the thread five times?
Why could I not figure the directions out after I had done two motifs?
Why did I not READ THE PATTERN properly the first time?
Why am I taking any of these questions seriously, anyway?
: 0
Ladytats said in a comment to the last post:
... Since you have earned Master Tatter status, I can't imagine that you need to work on your technique as much as you say you do...
Well, Ladytats, here is a perfect rejoinder to your words. If I want excellence in tatting, the T.A.T. course was a wonderful place to begin - but that is what it was for a new tatter - a good start.
One can learn any of the techniques quite quickly and with not TOO much difficulty over time, but the perfecting of them - ah, that is an other entire universe. And, after this motif, I am spaced!
Nothing went smoothly with this pattern. At the end I managed to sew the thread to my finger and jammed the sewing needle into my hand. Oh, dear. The perfect end to a thorny tat!
What I love about lace-making is that there is always the next challenge, even before the current one is mastered. There is always something to improve, always something to learn or re-learn. That is also the frustrating part, as we all know.
I forgot to add that because there are so many chain joins, I added a half ds at the beginning of the chains to snug up the tatting to the previous ring. That seemed to work very well as a way of making this soft thread behave without pulling it out of shape by tatting too tightly. Anyone else do this?
I did use a brand-new-to-me thread for this exercise and I LOVE it! It is fine - a bit finer than #40, but not a #60. Maybe a bit finer than that, so the finished tatting is quite small. It is a bear to un-tat and breaks if you do too much of that - which I did. Yes, well.... It is a wee bit fuzzy, but has a lovely, silky sheen. Also, it is soft, but can be tatted tightly to end up holding the shape quite nicely. I am impressed and it was a new experience.
I think I heard about this thread - Finca, #16, from
Eliz, a while ago, and since it is very inexpensive, ordered a couple of balls, as I am so pleased at having reduced my thread stash BIG TIME! Thanks Eliz! (I think it's you!)
Perhaps there will be some good out of all this. I bought summer hat on sale which I will probably never wear as I loathe anything on my head - but I am trying to be good about the sun...
Maybe it works?