
Friday, November 22, 2013

Enchanting Eleonora

Iris Niebach’s Eleonora is a wonderful pattern. It is also not complicated (though I had to CUT a number of times, but I will not tell you where!)

For scale:
I tatted this with Sulky Blendables, a #80 type weight. I am getting very used to these teeny threads.

The only difficulty with this pattern is in a join where you hold the chain in a piece of thread as a downward facing picot, to later join up to with another chain. Many moons ago I had terrible trouble accomplishing this technique:

This is Vinnie’s Spring Doily, which you can find here. You can see the outer chains have a similar joining of two chains as Eleonora.

Happily, I now understand how to execute this join, which is not at all complicated, but at the time I just could not fathom it! It takes a LOT of practice and a couple of years to get these tricks mastered!

Then, as a break as I continue the edging, I remembered this seasonal motif that I like very much, but never tat properly.

Pattern in Lizbeth #40 
LaRae Mikulecky

For scale:
The technique here one is still escaping my understanding...

How do you attach those JKs with a shuttle join to the space before the JK and after the last ds? That never makes sense to me and my finished piece does not look the same as the one in the pattern!


  1. I like all your tatting today. I like the Eleanor very much. All those chains look very good.
    As for the wreath, the join you are not understanding, really is just to tie the shuttle thread around the stem at the base of the JK. If you look at where your threads enter and leave the JK, there is a bit of space between them. Especially if you have trouble getting the JK to close completely. This will spread the ds in the green chain apart and make the picot look funny.
    What LaRae is attempting to do with the join - or simply tying a half knot - is to connect the 2 threads so there is no spread. This will keep the ds in the green chain in better position so it looks neater.

  2. Thank you, Ladytats.

    Hmmm. The words just do not register. I think I did exactly what you are saying here, but I did not get that smooth chain with a jk at the bottom, which is the effect I am attempting to have.

  3. Eleanor looks wonderful! Good to have mastered a technique that once seemed difficult. I'm sure you'll get the hang of the JK too.

  4. Gorgeous tatting (as always :) )
    - The wreath - first moment I thought this is planned - this 3d effect of berries! Looks lovely

  5. Hi Fox

    Great minds think alike, I have just done two of these wreaths, I joined to the wreath and then did the JK before starting the next chain. Mine worked out ok but I got fed up with the JK so I am doing one with beads before I post them. Only the light went last night so I went back to snowflakes, My eyes don't like dark colours in night light, so I will try and finish it today.
    I love your doily at the top beautiful colours and lovely pattern, The second one is also lovely and another lovely pattern and colour.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, love to Gian

  6. Maybe try a sample with larger thread so you can see what is going on better, I made a doily with the chain JK and I think you just have to do a lot of them, And then little tatting angels come down and show you :)

  7. Eleanor's is beautiful! I haven't tried the wreath yet, so I am totally clueless.

  8. All of your works are beautiful, but this "berry wreath" like thing is amazingly sweet!

  9. Everything is lovely, as usual. I love the little wreath and I'm curious to try, because in this moment I can't understand what is your question.

  10. Nice pieces, Fox. I really like the thread in Eleonora. Wish I could help, but I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous doilies!!! :)
    Fabulous wreath!! :)
