
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Establishing Eleonora

Nice work Snowy

She identified the doily, now getting close to being half-way tatted.

She also suggests we shall make it through the booklet! 
That would indeed be an accomplishment.

The thread is Silky again, and I am liking the colour, as it reminds me of my favourite colour-way in Lizbeth thread - Vinyard Harvest, I think it is called.

Once again I am truly enjoying another of Iris Niebach’s convoluted one-round wonders!

At the same time and breaking my one-at-a-time rule, I have begun the hankie border that I ordered thread especially for. 

It was a challenge to find the right colours for this special silk hankie, which I received a while ago from umintsuru. It is one of my favourite hankies ever, but the silk intimidated me.

It is a soft, pale peach colour, beautifully finished on the edge; so beautifully in fact that I am not sure how to attach the tatting without nasty holes showing in the silk

After a lot of browsing, I found a Sulky Blendables that I thought would be perfect, and when the mail arrived I saw I had picked well. You probably can’t see on your monitor how it has exactly the right, subtle, pinkish tones to enhance that in the fabric. 

I tried a few edgings - vintage all - and liked how this one seems to mimic the embroidered flower. 

Now I have to invent a corner and that always makes my heart quicken. There is never a lot of confidence on that front and the mirror trick can be counted upon to elicit dyslexic tremors!

There were other patterns I preferred a bit more, but the picot-joining edges of those did not seem appropriate for the curves of the hankie, so I had to choose carefully.

Maybe I should use - ugh - invisible thread?


  1. That does seem to imitate both the flower and the curves of the hankies edge nicely...this will be fun to watch as it progresses! I also like Eleonora...very lovely!

  2. Hi Fox

    The curves on the doily are beautiful, I must look up the pattern and when I am more up to date with tatting I might try that pattern.
    Lovely edging beautiful colour and I look forward to seeing how the edging progresses.
    Love to Gian

    1. Thanks, Margaret, the pattern is in The Tatter's Treasure's Chest.

    2. Ahh. That's the one book I don't have, I have one of her little books but not that one, ok well I won't be trying that pattern, but I can watch you do it and admire.

    3. Cross purposes here! The doily is from Iris's "Tatted Doilies" booklet! The edging is from the other one.
      : )) Fox

  3. Your doily is looking good and the colors for the edging and the design are very good. As for a corner, if you shorten the down facing chain, and join to the first picot instead of the 2nd between the repeats, you should get a good corner.

    1. Thank you, Ladytats! I was thinking of eliminating that chain altogether and joining two or even three picots...?

    2. you need a connecting element to go from one repeat to the other. The chain does that for you, but it can be as sort as 1-1 so you have a picot to attach to the hanky. The join between repeats is right now on the 2nd picot, if you move it down to the 1st picot and shorten the chain it should make the corner for you quit easily.
      The other option would be to expand the repeat to either 5 or 6 rings and chains, that would also turn the corner. It depends on if you want a corner motif to poof or if you want no repeat in the corner

  4. Your doily is coming along beautifully and your edging is gorgeous!!! :)

  5. Vineyard Harvest… also one of my very favourite Lizbeth. You're tackling another Iris? Chapeau to you I say.

    I think eliminating the chain altogether might work… well, in my head it works but I'd have to try it! I'll look forward to seeing how you solve the problem.
