
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Post #1000!

I can barely believe it. I began this blog on April 19th, 2009 as a brand new tatter. Today is my thousandth post and in celebration, fortune has granted me two Etsy pattern sales.
 : )) 
Happy me!

From Ring of Tatters Newsletter 2010
Canal Bookmark updated by Elaine Scott
Lizbeth #40 and Zwicky silk, brown - from Krystle in 2010!

Took a break from the doily that needed major surgery and followed Miranda’s excellent advice -  (see comment on last post...) - well prodding really, as I already knew what I had to do. Procrastination prevented any activity till I got that comment.  Thanks Miranda!

Post-Op  : (


  1. That bookmark is gorgeous! I'll have to see if I can get hold of the pattern.

    I'm so glad you're persevering on the doily. Of course, I knew you would, really. I hope you'll continue with the color selections you used. The way you would repeat a color every couple of rounds kept it from being chaotic, and all the colors worked so well together.

    Congratulations on your 1000th post!

    1. Thanks, Miranda, I think I have just enough of the dark green to get through. I will continue with the same choices. : )

    2. Miranda, I added the address under the photo to The Ring if Tatters.

  2. Congratulations on your thousandth post! Love the bookmark. Your friends in tatland keep you on the straight and narrow, ne?

    1. You Tatters are why I keep this blog! I learn something all the time from so many talented Tat-Landers out there.
      : ))

  3. Congratulations on your 1000th !
    I have learnt so much from these posts:)))

    Thank you and carry on Fox!!!

    1. Thank you, Orsi. Your blog inspires me to keep blogging!
      Fox : )

  4. Yay for 1000!

    I love that bookmark! The colors are gorgeous!

  5. 1000th post - CONGRATS! Tatland is richer because of your contributions. Thank you!

  6. Love the bookmark - How do you subscribe to that newsletter?

    1000 posts! WOW!!!

  7. Not only is this your 1, 000th post in only four years on your highly informative and entertaining blog, but you must have tatted at least 1, 000 tatted items, some of which are HUGE doilies! Your tatting speed just amazes me. Not to mention your ability to post almost daily, usually with a touch of humor! Your blogging and photography skills amaze me, too! (I still find posting to be difficult.) You have shown us how effective and dazzling color can be, plus the attractive addition of beads, plus you've introduced us to many patterns we might not have seen or noticed. If course there are your own patterns, too! And you help us learn patience as you bravely show and share your mistakes, then usually retat them. Your adventures with different threads give us insight into the different brands and sizes! Then there's Gian,
    who always brightens our day! We very much enjoy visiting with you and getting to know you! Congratulations!

  8. Hi Fox

    Congratulations on your 1,000 post, lovely bookmark, like Miranda I would love to find the pattern,

    I am looking forward to seeing your doily.

    Love to Gian,

    1. I just added the address to Ring of Tatters, under the photo....

  9. Really beautiful work, lovely book mark, great choice of colors too. And congratulations on you postings wow someday I might get there! I will have to check out your esty shop I've not done that yet.

  10. Way to go Mom!

    A proud son.



  11. Yay! What an accomplishment! I really enjoy your blog -- here's hoping for another 1000 posts. :)

  12. Congratulations to 1000 post.
    A blog is a great inspiration.
    Kind regards from Poland

  13. Oh Fox, what an accomplishment!! Way to go! Congratulations on your 1000th post.
    Your tatting is awe inspiring. I so enjoy your posts, you have a wonderful way with words. Thank you so much for being my tatting friend.

  14. Thank YOU, Ladytats, my tatting friend! You always have such good advice and kind words.
    Fox : )

  15. So many lovely thoughts and comments. Thank you, Tatters! : )

  16. That's 250 a year!!! - and they're all visually interesting, I love your photos.
    Going to hunt though the ROT pile now.....

    1. So it is! Goodness! I never looked at the number in that light!

      I found the pattern by chance and did not think it would tat up as beautifully as it did. It is a winner. : ))

  17. Félicitations! Thank you for great inspiration and wonderful laughs and lessons.

    Gorgeous bookmark?

  18. 1.000!!! Congratulations!!! you're sure a lighthouse!
    The bookmark is beautiful :)

  19. Wonderful! Where's the party? I'm coming!

    Thank you for all your inspiring, stimulating, eloquent posts.

  20. Congratulations! 1000 posts just goes to show your ability to keep on going, even when you have pieces you want to chuck into the trash. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor, and for your willingness to show us that mistakes are all part of the process. I sure wish you could meet that stranger who gave you a shuttle again. Wouldn't she be amazed at all you've learned?

  21. Hey, 1,000 posts! Congrats, Fox, and thanks for always enticing us with your tatting! I always look forward to reading your blog!

  22. Congratulations on 1000, Fox! Your blog is one of my favorites to read, and your prolific output amazes me, not just in number, but also in beauty.

  23. Well congrats!! 1,000 posts is quiet the accomplishment you should be proud. You inspire me every day that I visit here, whether your working on a project or just finished and it's lovely to see that you make mistakes and struggle through the challenge of it.

    I love Mr. G as you know bet he's proud of his Mom and her threads. Can't wait to see what you do for the next 1,000 posts. Keep up the great work!

  24. Congratulations on 1000 posts - quite an accomplishment! I always looks forward to your posts - beautiful projects and fun to read. Here's to another 1000 posts!

  25. Wow...1000..! I can't imagine that I would ever do that many. Keep up the good work though, I've enjoyed following you...
