
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

“F” Words (Post 999!!!)

I admit that I uttered the trucker-talk “F""word a couple of times 
when I saw what I had done way back at the very beginning. 

There was no fixing this. 

The title of this post could well be another example: 

I tatted this to see what would happen if I tatted Linda Davies’s Star Attraction Doily in very different colours than what Miranda has done beautifully begun here.

This is where the error happened:

I started it originally in #80:

But this was very taxing so I switched to #40 Lizbeth and Altin Basak pink (#50)

I was so disappointed when I saw what I had done as there is still a good bit left to tat and I quite like this pattern. I am very tempted to tat it again, but I will use other colours. I am so trying to get rid of the old stuff... 

Slowly, I am working through my threads and have diminished my stash immensely to this:

It really is a very modest stash now, don’t you agree? I should perhaps begin to add some new colours...heheh

Forgot to show you what my daughter has been giving away as little gifts to her friends: lavender (she grows it) sachets! Just look it this! Mummy’s handiwork getting all the outer glory!

One last thing...
I found these tiny elastics at the drugstore and they are absolutely perfect for wrapping about a ball of thread so that it stays wound! Love them!

If you look at the stash-pic, you can see every ball has an elastic around it.  Makes a tatter proud. : )


  1. Oh my dear.....that's not you worst flaw. Take a look were the bright pink meets the dark green. Near the top of the completed motif. All are two chains attached to a ring except up top. Youve attached two green rings where they shouldnt be. Sorry. All that lovely work.

    1. Good for you, Mad Tatter! You found the first and most awful error. By joining where I did made the last repeat too short so the next part of the pattern had not enough room. That first flaw is indeed fatal because I cannot fake it after the fact. : (

  2. 'Flaw' is not trucker talk, is it? I love your choice of colours. This doily looks amazing.

    What a way to combine your talents and create such meaningful gifts.

    I tuck the thread ends into the ball and they do sometimes get unravelled. I see the elastic bands work well for you.

    1. Oh yes! I am pleased with the little elastics. They rock! : ))

  3. hee hee hee! Dare I admit it . . . ;)

    I think we may speak the same language when faced with that type of situation! :)

    1. Ohhh, I love company in this regard. My conservative children are very unforgiving about this life-long trait!

  4. I see your fatal flaw, but when I saw the picture on the blog roll, I thought oh wow!! Reaction is oh wow, not where's the mistake. Elastics are a good idea, but they do perish after a while. I was given some thread that has nasty bits of elastic sticking to it.

    1. Jane, I wondered about that aspect as elastic does disintegrate, but in my experience it dries out and crumbles, rather than sticks to a surface. I took the chance, since they were so thin. Fingers crossed....

  5. Hi Fox

    Oh dear poor you it was looking so nice in those colours and whoops a couple of little mistakes puts the last row to cock.

    I put each ball back in a little bag, with Lizbeth thread it comes in a plastic bag so I put the cardboard heading folded in half showing the name of the thread with the ball in its bag. Those without bags get kept in plastic bags I like your rubber band idea.
    Are you going to try this doily again?
    Love to Gian

    1. Yes, I think I will!

      I think I heard somewhere in my wool shop work that keeping yarn in plastic shortens its life... I wonder if that is true?

  6. Fatal Flaws are the worst! That's your stash?! You have done a great job of whittling it down. I think I have that much on my ironing board right now. ;-)

  7. This napkin is great precisely because it is not perfect: perfect things do not have a soul!

  8. Ooh, I love lavender sachets! They'll look as pretty as they smell graced with your lovely tatting!
    Isn't the "F"-word therapeutic?
    that's white a modest stash, Fox. I think you need to go shopping..... ;-)

  9. Than you, Tatters!
    I love the input. : ) Fox

  10. I love the colors you have used. I think the doily looks fabulous in multiple colors, and the different shades of pink and green go so well together. Of course, my great-aunt Klara has more traditional tastes, so I will stick with the two colors on mine.

    If it were me, being a perfectionist, I would cut back to round 4, where the first mistake is, and re-do it. But I think you can still make it work as it is; it will just be a little asymmetrical.

    You work fast! I've just reached the same point on my doily, which I will be posting tomorrow. Although having to work the last three days didn't help.

    Goodness, I wouldn't know how to function with such a small stash, although I admit it must be nice to know where all your threads are! I tried the elastics. They worked for a while, but then they started popping off the balls. I hope yours will be better behaved.

    1. Hi Miranda!
      Thanks for the comment which has been the catalyst for my post today - my 1000th post! I have begin the “fix” which I knew I had to do, as I am also very ... ummm... picky....I needed the push. Your comment was it!

      I am looking forward to seeing this pattern in the pink and blue. I think it will look great and so different from mine in the rather garish (I think!) colours I have used. You can see I have to be creative with my stash as I have few choices now that it has been cut down to size! I am so delighted as I really wanted to use up what I had - that is why I tat so fast!!! The faster I tat, the closer I get to buying new colours! Ah, bull-headed self-control - ---freak!
      Fox : ))

  11. Oh Fox......I wish my thread stash was that modest.....hmmm....maybe I should parcel some over to you to even it out???

  12. Hi, Liyarra! Oh goodness no! I have enough of your thread now to last me... Eventually I will get to trying it too!
    Fox : ))

  13. I have to remember to say "fatal flaw" instead of the other word that flows freely at times . . . sounds much better ;) I hate those kinds of errors that one doesn't see until it's way beyond a simple correction.

    Love the lavender sachets - great idea for using tatted motifs. Now, should I tat or figure out how to grow lavender?

  14. PS, I'm a big fan of muslin bags with tatting attached!

  15. I hope you get notifications when there is a comment posted on such an old entry... 1st I'll say "Hello, again!" I've been away for a couple of years, not sure what took me away, but I'm starting to tat again -- and what better way to catch up with Tat-Land than to go through the last 2 years of YOUR blog!! I immediately remembered why I would choose your blog as my 1st to review - you are ALWAYS so delightful and refreshing to read!!! I wish I could be like Frivole, come and visit, and give and get a GREAT BIG HUG!! I especially ALWAYS remember the kindness of your care package and my FAVORITE shuttles! (I ADORE that one with violets you show here, too!) But I'm here on THIS post to make a few tongue-in-cheek comments... I USED to be a trucker and am always a LITTLE peeved at comments like "trucker language"... Now, I won't say that I've NEVER used the "F" word, but I can't imagine using it because of, even FATAL tatting errors! One has to be nasty to me for a VERY long time before I would consider using that word - even though I WAS a trucker for over 5 years! I actually got bombarded with the word in the mid 80's while serving for 8 years as an industrial engineer in a manufacturing plant in a town next to an army base -- and knew I was in trouble when, after several years of working there -- found the word popping up on rare occasions in my brain. I didn't even use my Mother's all-too-common damn or hell! Oh, well. I just had to RIB you a little (this is truly not a scolding of ANY kind - EVERYTHING is said with GRINS on my face!)!!! I absolutely ADORE you as a human being and am just laughing to myself at how honest and charming you are!! Hugs to you forever, Tatikan/Sher/Sherry ;-D
