
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I have been travelling and had little time to tat, but I have managed to border a lovely vintage hankie that I received from Kelly last year. ( Or was it the year before?!)

I was saving this little beauty for the right inspiration and I just loved Frivole’s Viola pattern for it. I picked an unlikely thread, that I have also been saving for just the right project:  HDT thread from Jess.

Of course, I ran out of thread - TWICE! So I had to improvise....TWICE!

Shopping in a funny, old-fashioned shop that sold everything from tatting shuttles to fishing supplies, I found two little mother-of pearl buttons and some #8 DMC Perle cotton. Of course I could not resist. (Plus three crochet hooks - #12, #14 and #13) Success in my favourite kind of store! I love surprises. ; )

The buttons have inspired me and this is as far s I have got on my own creation:

Imagine! Those are JK’s, with a picot at the top for the next row to join. Ah, sometimes I surprise myself!


  1. Lovely edging! Good finds, the button cries out for tatting and you've made a good job of it.

  2. Can't wait to see what the finished project will look like!! :)

  3. Oh! I love the edging! Everything I tried to make with the Madder Tatter turned out only so-so. I guess some color combinations just look better in some places over others. :o)

  4. So nice to see Viola done up on a handkerchief! Looks great. It would have been nice to have Madder Tatter all the way but as the saying goes "improvise, adapt, and overcome"!... I just recently did a blogpost with that title... :-))

  5. Really wonderful, and looks so cute like a patchwork quilt nice work and judgement of colors and pattern, you are really talented. My mother used to knit all the time and she took all the leftovers and make a sweeter once and everyone wanted that one. I think you have given us all ideas,and thank you!

  6. I'm amazed how much tatting you did get done! Very pretty edging, and the green is a good match. Also love what you're doing with the button! What a neat find!

  7. The hankie looks great!!!! I do think it was two years ago I gave you the hankie.....I still have the one you gave me but just have not found the right edging for it!! Sounds like you have been busy!!
    Talk to you soon

  8. oh, forgot to say: I particularly like the green crochet edging and how it ties it all in together.

  9. Lovely edging, and I like what you've done with that button. Hope your travels were fun.

  10. I really like the edging you made! I would never have thought of putting those colors together, but they totally work. The little flower you made on the button is quite cute as well. I didn't think picots on josephine rings would be possible, but apparently they are!

  11. Hi Fox

    Lovely edging, and it works so well in those colours would never have thought of using two different colours like that, well done,

    Your button looks brilliant, yes jk would look brilliant on the inside and a few beads with them, well done on finding such a gorgeous button.

    Love to Gian

  12. You did a wonderful job with your improvisation! Love the little mother of pearl button... And your clever use of it!

  13. Lovely edging. Your creation is beautiful. Can only imagine what the finished one will be like.
