
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

JK Picot

I found the little button, added a picot to the JKs
 and suddenly had a pretty motif.  : )

I am considering adding a chain in the white with different blue beads around the existing chains, but I quite like the motif as it is. Tatted with #8 DMC Perle.

Another motif I have been working on is a Jan Stawasz pattern. I have now finished the first round and have begun the second. Tatted with #40 Lizbeth. So far:

No directional problems if I do not tat fs/bs and it does not seem to matter with the end result, which actually looks better than most of my previous tatting! Such a surprise...


  1. I love that motif! Is it very difficult? I am a brand new tatter. ;) Where can the pattern be obtained?

  2. Your beige/white motif is beautiful. Lovely job in creativity. The blue one is beautiful also.

  3. I love your button motif! I'd say try adding the white chains just to see. You can always cut them off if they don't work.

  4. Hi Fox

    Lovely button, looking lovely as far.

    Your new pattern from Jan's book is looking really good, well done, which page is the pattern on.

    Love to Gian

  5. That's true, cause I like it the way it is, so pretty. Tatting is fun and no limit to it.

  6. I like your pattern, Fox! The JS tat looks great, too.

  7. Both are beautiful! Love beige and white together.

  8. Lovely work, Fox. Once again, I turn to the blogs and am inspired.
