
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tatting Hubris

I was so happy and so proud that I had managed the Iris pattern so I thought I would dive right in and tat it again even better! HA!

This is what ensued. I made a huge error and rather than cut or untat, as I had already done a lot of that, I thought it prudent to begin once again...

I am now on the Fourth go-around. We shall see...

The thread is from Umintsuru and is wonderful. She warned me that because it is 2 ply, I should try to make no mistakes (HA#2!!) as it can split when one un-tats.

Actually, I really like the thread a lot; it is so firm, tightly wound and rather rough, but shiny and closes rings beautifully.  I have had no problem whatsoever un-tatting and believe me, I have had an abundance of opportunity to experiment with this particular challenging element of our craft...


  1. You will get it!! Just take your time!! :)

  2. I always picked up and put down this thread whenever I go to the shop that sells it. Was not sure how it tats up. Next time I go, I must remember to pick up a ball. Only thing is, I am trying to reduce my stash by using up whatever I have right now. So, it might nit be a good idea to get more thread.

  3. This is glorious and looks so hard! I'm in awe!

  4. I know the feeling - I thought I'd be able to close the first round of the interlocking hearts fine, since I did so on the first attempt - not so, but far otherwise!

  5. Hi Fox

    Oh dear it looks like two children playing well that what I thought when I saw it, hope the next one fairs better.
    See there some threads that like you, hope to see what you have tatted with it soon. Or was that the pretty thread that went a bit wrong.
    Love to Gian
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. That sounds like interesting thread.
    best wishes for your efforts with this pattern. I so admire your perseverance.

  7. Glad you like the thread. I like it too.

  8. Always so many lovely threads to play with!

  9. What a lovely shade of pink! I love Iris's patterns, but I have yet to tat one without multiple mistakes. Some day...

  10. Fabulous tatting! Your clunies are awesome!

  11. It looks beautiful even if you made a mistake (which I can't see) love the color.

    1. Yowza! Hi there, Chicklet! Thanks for the comment and for the visit. So good to see you!
      Fox : ))

  12. Thanks for the great comments, Tatters!
    Fox : )
