
Saturday, June 8, 2013

In Awe of Iris

While tatting this for the fourth time and having some success with it,  I really got to appreciate what a fine designer Tat-Land has in Iris Niebach.

About five inches across

The elegance of this pattern astounded me once I came to understand the ebb and flow of it. It is indeed a fine artist who can conjure up a design like this.

Though I have tatted her borders and quite a few of her doilies and motifs in the past, with this pattern I came to appreciate her talent in broader terms.

The thread is Daiso, #40 from Wendy and it held up valiantly under very trying circumstances! A great, tightly-twisted, though 2-ply thread for tatting, in my opinion.

p.s. I have to thank Frivlole for bringing this pattern to my attention. As always, she inspires me, and by following that inspiration, I grow as a tatter.

Her  wonderful rendition is here.


  1. You did a marvelous job! Love the graceful flow and your pretty Clunies.

  2. I had the very great pleasure of meeting Iris in SC a few years ago and she's a delightful lady who is also (like her designs) elegant too.

    1. Jane, That is just as I would have expected...
      Fox : )

  3. Gorgeous. I agree - amazing design capability.

  4. So elegant!!! Both the pattern and the tatting!! Great job!!

  5. Hi Fox

    That is gorgeous, beautiful design, I don't have any of her books I don't think I have ever done one her patterns, must try and see if I can find one online.
    Love to Gian
    Keep warm and dry

  6. oh gorgeous. So pleased you were able to get all the way through. You tat so fast and so well. Congratulations.

  7. A stunning design! Beautifully tatted, as always.

  8. Iris definitely is a treasure! Fortunately she has a pattern on her website that was easy for me to do, so I can say I've done one of her designs. But the clunies would stop me here, as would many of her more complex patterns. You seem to do clunies so easily now! Beautifully tatted!

    1. Oh, Kathy, Thank you, but you should see the contortions I end up in trying to weave the blasted things!
      Fox : ))

  9. So very, very pretty and beautifully and skillfully tatted.

  10. I love that pattern! It's so intricate and delicate!

  11. Indeed! Fine tatting and beautiful design. I would hesitate because of the clunies. Which book is this pattern from?

    1. Here it is, Wendy, from 2008. I originally y found it on Frivole's blog.

      Can't wait to see what you do with it!
      Fox : ))

  12. I take my hat off to you for completing the motif. It is elegant, but by no means an easy tat.

  13. Iris does have wonderful designs, and you have interpreted this one beautifully!

  14. This is truly a unique pattern and you have done it so beautifully. Yes, your clunies are looking great. The pink color is so delicate, I think it was just made for this pattern. I do agree, Iris Niebach is a very talented lady. I hope to have the opportunity meet her one day.
