
Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Reflections

My Musings

My Progress

My Little Treat

My First Tatting 
from Snowy’s Book 

My Next Venture with 
Edwige Renaudin Begun


  1. I love the Honey Napkin and the treat... I hope the mood improves!

    1. Thanks, Diane! I changed the word ‘mood’ as I am not down but rather content and thoughtful! DIdn’t mean to sound depressed - I just love my photograph and tried to work it into tat-ology! : ))

  2. Replies
    1. Hi there Jon,
      Thank you so much for ‘getting it.’ Nice to be able to connect once in a while with just the pics. : ))
      Fox : )

  3. Very pretty view...the honey napkin is gorgeous, and the new thread lovely!

  4. Love that picture of the window. Atmospheric.

    Wow, that honey napkin's really looking wonderful. I salute you for perservering.

    The new thread looks great. Glad you are having a go with it. :)

    1. Thanks Val. That is the world outside my soon-to-be-vacated apartment. I am going to miss my view.

      I am really finding it difficult to keep at the thing - it is HUGE now!
      Fox : )

  5. Replies
    1. Michelle,
      I will post my photos anywhere - even on a tatting blog - if I think I can get a complimentary comment! You made my evening. Thanks very much.

      This is one I recently took and I really like it a lot. tee hee : ))

  6. Irises! - a rare sight here in the tropics. You need thread that colour......

  7. New thread is a lovely colour, but it looks kind of fluffy,,,how are you finding it?
    I am pleased to see you have risen to the Renaudin challenge.
    Is it rain or snow outside?

    1. Very fluffy! Dreadfully fuzzy, but a welcomed change anyway!

      It was snowing that day and I had just showered, thus the condensation on the glass...
      Fox : )

  8. Oh, I enlarged the photo, and clearly it's snow and freezing! Silly me.

  9. Hi Fox

    I take it that the irises are in your window and the view is from your apartment, Looks very white so you have some snow.
    Lovely honey mat it's looking good,
    Why not have a great, looks a beautiful colour, and your little motifs look lovely and neat tatting.
    Love to Gian

  10. LOVE, Love, love this post! The photograph is stunning. What a way to add some color to a winter day, and I just adore photos that can convey a mood or story.

    That honey napkin is scaring me - you are doing a beautiful job, but I am no longer considering tackling that HUGE piece of tatting :) AND, I love that new thread color. Your tatting is always so wonderful to look at.

  11. I love the photo Fox. All white outside and the splash of irises. Wow!!
