
Monday, January 7, 2013

More Dangerous Than Tatting

Edwige Renaudin Design     #8 Finca Perle           #26 -100 M/C

I cannot believe the damage I did washing dishes. I grabbed a newly-sharpened knife hiding under the soap bubbles; it felt as if I had cut into a cucumber - only it was stinging big time!

When I had a look, I wondered if I needed some stitches and also worried that the cut was not only deep, but in the underside of the thumb joint. Ohhhh.

Well, having been a stained-glass artist, in another life, and nearly severing the other thumb and treating it myself,  I  have the knack of figuring if I can deal with a bad blunder on my own, so off to the medicine chest I trotted, holding the thumb aloft, squeezing like mad.

Today, three days after, it is much better. It never did slow me down, surprisingly enough, and I completed the Edwige Renaudin pattern above, over the weekend. : )

The injury might have been the reason I could not concentrate on the Honey Napkin, however. I had to cut out... wait for it... about 12 repeats, not only once, but twice!

I kept omitting the same ring, over and over. Finally I admitted defeat, put it aside and entertained Mr. G. instead, who worked wonders with HIS tatting thread!

***For cat-lovers: do not worry! I monitor his play-time with thread bits, and do not leave Mr. G in their company unattended! : )


  1. Hi Fox

    I felt your pain just reading it, oooch I hope your finger gets better quickly. The motif your did over the weekend is lovely and totally lovely pattern well done
    I love to see mr G with his thread, I think he might have been a tatter in another life.
    Love to Mr G

  2. Ow, that sounds horrible. I'm glad you could deal with the problem yourself and that it didn't stop you from tatting!

  3. Ouch =( Hope you feel better! The pattern turned out great =D

  4. I am sorry you cut your thumb. This tatting is lovely. Mr. G is very handsome and clever with the thread. Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2013...

  5. Gian, you'd think your servant would learn to stop doing all that other stuff and just play with you like she's supposed to. It would be much safer.

    Naturally, I take string all the time. And yarn. She likes knitting with wool blends, and I do like the taste of a fine wool. Or any wool, really. I just don't understand why she never lets me swallow it!

    Your buddy,


  6. Oh!! là! là! Il faut faire attention Fox !!! J'espère que vous n'avez pas trop mal et je vois que le livre d'Edwige Renaudin vous a séduit, il est fort intéressant...
    Meilleurs Voeux 2013 et grande caresse à Gian

  7. Glad you could still ta! Be careful! Clearly there is too much cleaning in your house.

  8. Aw your kitty is so cute! It is amazing that you still were able to tat, I had hurting myself and then realizing that i can't craft.

  9. That piece is so absolutely gorgeous!!! :)
    I don't allow sharp knives in the water any longer due to the dangers. I have them set on the counter and wash them as I go along.

  10. Very pretty tatted piece, and I love that color.
    I'm like God's Kid, I try to NOT have sharp knives in the water where I can't see them. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I try not to let it happen, for just this reason. I'm glad it didn't slow you down much and you were able to tat. Hope it heals up fast.

  11. Ouch! You must be truly addicted to tatting to keep on going with such an injury! Get well soon!

  12. Ouch! My husband walked past the computer when I reading your post and winced when he saw the photo of your bandaged thumb. Even without reading the description, it was very clear what happened! I hope your thumb heals quickly! Your cat is awesome!

  13. Thanks, Everyone! Healing up well. : ))
