
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Conquered - The Celtic Picot!

Thank you to those who read my frustration, and in the last post explained it to me. I got it! Sometimes I have to read many different wordings for the instructions to make sense; Shannon-in-love’s  hit the spot!


                                                                                                           12/100 MC
This is, of course, one of Jennifer WIlliams’s patterns.
I love it. And the technique is well worth mastering.

I had some left over thread - Lizbeth, sent to me by Ladytats,
so I tatted a small Mary Konior motif - always wonderful.

                                                                                       13/100 MC
I liked these colours well enough to order a ball of it this weekend. 
There are some great sales to be had at Bestitched - till Monday . 
Thank you, Nancy!

See what happens when you clear out your stash - you order more! 
I was very restrained - only two balls and I had sampled one
of them before I relented and sent in my request.
So, I am proud of myself.   : ))

Lastly, a small re-arrangement in my small kitchen...


  1. Your Celtic Picots look great! Also glad you like that thread. It's also a favorite of mine.

    Gian looks quite comfortable! I'm curious how he got in there (not that cats aren't extremely agile), especially if the door was closed! And it would seem you'll have to remove the one door? You could have his name put on the other one, but he might prefer to remain 'in cognito' LOL!

    1. Good question, Kathy! I love it when someone actually thinks about what I have written! Thank you! Great compliment...

      Actually, a neighbour told me her cat used to do this, so I left the cupboard open to see if Gian would notice. Now, I just leave that cupboard open all the time. My compact kitchen is built in such a way that leaving this open is unobtrusive and easy to do, so I am not bothered by the open door.

      I do think he believe I cannot see him there!

      Fox : ))

    2. I also chuckled over the names of the explorers and the conquerer of Mt Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary! ever since I wrote an essay about Mt Everest in high school (we're talking the late '50s!), I never forgot his name or his accomplishment! So Gian's in good company! I'm sure he think he's invisible! Just read about the hairball- yuck!

  2. Excellent, Gian, you made her clear out a cupboard just for you!

  3. Hey, Man! Thanks! SHE did that right after I barfed a hairball all over her handmade, white quilt! Yah! it worked!
    Gian : ))

  4. Now that is the hidey-hole befitting Gian the Great! What a guy. :)

    Your Celtic picots look great, and I really love that colorway.

  5. M. Gian:

    Care for some company? I can jump everywhere and would love to be so high up! Currently I'm trying to get at those lovely smelling things floating inside His glass watery thingie. SHE says I'm to stay away from the FISH.

    your cuz
    Mlle. Lily

  6. Hey, Cuz,
    Wait till THEY are all sleeping and then stick your paw in the wet stuff and use your claws to snag one of those fish... They are delicious! You’ll see! And they are EASY to catch! Good fishing to you...
    ♥ G.

  7. Well done, Fox! Love MK's motifs, and yours looks so good in this thread.
    Gian the Great is surveying his kingdom. How regal!

  8. Hi Fox

    Lovely MK motif, lovely colours and well done on the Celtic picots, Lovely piece of tatting.
    Well Gian you are able to survey your kingdom while your dinner is prepared and somewhere to hide away when you want some sleep.
    Love to Gian
    Take care
