
Monday, November 26, 2012

It’s A Wrap For Row Eight

End of Row #8 
11 1/2 inches so far
Ready to begin Row #9...

Honey Napkin designed by Renulek

I am glad to have begun this, but I will also be very glad now when it is complete. It is a LOT of tatting! And I am worrying that Renulek is probably about to release the next row on the other massive work - the Snowflake Doily.  Woe....

Mail today:

These are wonderful little helpers. I hope that they 
do not lose their shape and that they remain effective:

Clever, eh?

A lot of you asked where I got these:

I am not endorsing this site - though the service and price was very good - for there are numerous places like eBay that sells them; even Amazon does, but they were very expensive there. You have to look around and consider mailing costs...


  1. I have used those for many years, they are still good, they can end up looking stretched out, but if you let them sit for a bit, they go back to their normal size.

  2. Doily is pretty! Wow, a lot of work indeed. Very brave of you to do it, but now your efforts are paid off.

    Bobbin buddies? Never heard or seen them before. Cute stuff.

  3. This is SO spectacular! Your work is fabulous! Even unblocked it looks great! And more to come on both this and the Snowflake doily! Yikes! This is kind of like a Marathon!

    Bobbin Buddies - how cute - and USEFUL! Where did you find these? It's amazing to see all those pastel bobbins, too! Tatting is becoming so colorful!

    1. Hi, Kathy,
      I added the site to the bottom of the post. I have been using the bobbin holders for only a day and I am hooked! Cheap, cheerful and very useful. Good buy.
      Fox : ))

  4. Your doily is fabulous, and delightful with these red beads. Another red row would be too strong, but now it looks perfect!

    The bobbin buddies are very clever!

  5. Hi Fox

    That mat looks totally stunning and gorgeous, well done,
    They look interesting and certainly will be useful.
    Love to Gian

  6. Don't feel overburdened! - since you are supposed to enjoy your tatting. It's not a race.
    How are you finding the new Aerlit shuttles?

    1. Can’t help the OCD/TypeA thing, Maureen! I try, but it is just part of my intense personality. I can be quite a bore!

      The Aerlits? I must admit I really love the colourful bobbins that fit all my Aero shuttles! I find the Aerlits a bit thin and sharp on the edges, but I like the longer hook. So, pros and cons...
      Fox : )

  7. Beautiful doily: the colors and beads!
    And this little bobbin helpers look so useful :)

  8. The honey napkin is gorgeous! The beads are so delicate and the perfect accent!.
    Where did you get the bobbin buddies? I'm sold!

    1. Michelle, Hi - I added the address. I love them! Read Ladytat’s comment as well...
      Fox : ))

  9. Round 8! Yeah! I'm am impressed by your perseverance, and Denise and I were just talking last night about how we love the colors you're using.

    I've seen those bobbin buddies before, but being a little thick, I never thought about using them for tatting bobbins. Great idea!

  10. Votre napperon est magnifique et les gadgets pour les canettes fort intéressantes!!! Cela se trouve où????
    Caresses à Gian!!!

    1. Chère Charlette,
      J'ai ajouté l'adresse du site à ce poste. Merci pour avoir porté cela à mon attention!

      et Fox :))

  11. Thanks for all the great comments. I have added the address to the bobbin site at the end of the post. : ))

  12. Your honey napkin is just gorgeous, Fox! What a lot of tatting, but it's going to be worth it.

  13. The red beads are perfect for the doily. Love the pop of red tatting row.
