
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Waste Not and Wonder

Yes, I do wonder about the leftover thread remaining in the bobbins I used. I don’t think I would have chosen these particular colours for this amazing design by Myra Piper.  I have tatted it a few times before and really appreciate the balance and the heft of this distinct pattern.

#37/100 Motif Challenge   Lizbeth #40 Design by Myra Piper


Looking back at the pink hankie I saw see that I was so eager to post that finished piece of tatting that I paid no heed to the state of the completed piece - all wrinkled and not at all worthy of top billing on my blog. I had to edit the post as soon as I noticed how bad it looked.

So, I have made a decision to scrutinize photos carefully before posting, because look at how much prettier the hankie looks after the dreaded iron emerged from its dark and usually undisturbed resting place and worked its magic:

Ironing works.  Bah.


  1. Ironing work??? I thought an iron was for making our tatting look good!!! Nothing more!!

    Your hankie turned out wonderful!!! Now I want to work on an edging!!


  2. I love Myra Piper's designs! You've made this design very interesting with the different colors. Each design element really stands out. Could it be time to dust Myra off and explore her designs again? I think so!

    The hankie looks even more amazing when ironed! My iron is used mostly for touch-ups. Sadly, it bit the dust this weekend. Dave and I will be shopping for that and other items in the heat this afternoon. I really hate to spend the money on an iron. Just think of how many shuttles and balls of thread I could buy instead!

    1. I bought my little iron JUST for tatting! I have not ironed anything else in decades! My son, however, whom I taught to iron at about age twelve ( because he was becoming interested in his wardrobe (I would not iron even for him!) LOVES to iron! Go figure!
      Fox : ))

    2. I just sent this to my son who replied: “IRONMAN!” What a guy!
      Fox : ))

  3. The Myra Piper motif looks amazingly awesome in so many colours. I'm one person who's quite "scared" to explore tatting with colours. You've inspired me there.

    The little iron has done it this time. :)

  4. I have always loved yellows and lavender/purple shades together...that motif looks fantastic! Your hankie looks gorgeous as well...lovelier ironed, but better wrinkly than not posted at all perhaps, I am quilty of losing the excitement to post by the time things are made perfect.

  5. love your Myra Piper motif. the colors are so pretty.
    your hanky edging looked very good even with out the ironing, but does look very nice now.
    Ironing, only if I have too. good thing farmguy doesn't have to look all spiffy to feed the cows.

    1. Maybe there is a girly-girl amongst your cows! You never know! A bovine fashionista might like to see a well-ironed collar!
      Fox : ))

    2. well, I don't know about fashionista, but i do know we had one who figured out how to turn on the light switch. She didn't like eating or sleeping in the dark. Switch was up high, I almost couldn't reach it. but she figured out, how with her tongue, to turn it on.

  6. Hi Fox

    I wish I could do away with the iron, I seem to keep buying clothes that need an iron to look good and Vernon still likes his shirts ironed. Lovely motif love the colours who would think they went together but they do very well, your hanky looks very pretty.

    Tell Gian I have no idea how many mice live in the field as long as they stay in the field. All it's done today is rain, and rain tomorrow. I am beginning to get webbed feet.


    1. Gian has told me he is very partial to webbed feet... but broiled.
      Fox : )

  7. We use the iron for melting Perler beads. The first time I used it for clothes, my then 4-year-old asked "what is that?" My husband used to take his shirts to the dry cleaners to get them pressed before we got married. After, he thought I would iron them for him. I think I did ONE and decided that if he wanted things ironed, he could do them himself!

  8. Your Myra Piper turned out lovely. I wouldn't have chosen those colors but it's just gorgeous!

  9. Very pretty motif. I'm thinking perhaps I was wrong about decorative picots being old fashioned? I did smile at the comments about ironing.

  10. You might not have chosen these colors for this motif, but they work very well in it. It looks good.

    I don't get my iron out very much, either. I have a few shirts that the fronts (with the buttons and the facing side with the buttonholes) don't like to lay nice. I just iron that part and call it good. It's done much faster that way.

  11. Ok, Fox, I may need to go out and buy an iron myself now. I actually don't have one in the house! It is in my wish list since I got a sewing machine, though - as an auxiliary tool for it, nothing more!

    I always love the color combos you come up with, be them planned or by chance.

    Oh, and I have not been able to comment much, but I wanted to say I liked your other recent tatts too - and am sending healing thoughts your mother's way.

  12. I think the colors used in the motif make it absolutely stunning!

  13. Fox, love the header pic! Very pretty. I see you've been busy tatting some gorgeous things! Love the Piccadilly thread on your pink hanky. Beautiful!
    Storms have been interfering with my satellite connection, so I haven't been able to surf! Arrgh!

  14. Hi Fox,

    I love your pink hanky! I think that blush of blue and pink in the edging goes so perfectly well with it.

  15. I so way love your motif, very very beautiful. The hankies are absolutely lovely too :) but the motif is my favorite for now :)

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