
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Marking Time

#36/100 Motif Challenge
Julie Patterson’s Petals Variation Pattern  
#40 Lizbeth

I would like to thank you all for the prayers and wishes that you sent to my mom.  Looks like she is going to get through this - slower and frailer, but still retaining most of her ability to live independently.  Good news.

Lots of time was spent last week sitting around in the hospital, so I had time to sit in a chair (gowned and masked!) and to tat, making a gazillion mistakes! I cannot tell you how many times the thread broke or had to be cut because of a counting or directional mistake.

I am not sure if the pattern is difficult or my week has been too challenging for easy tatting.


  1. Really glad your mum is on the mend!

    Luv Jane XX

  2. That's very pretty, but yeah, hospital tatting needs to be completely mindless! I hope your mum will go from strength to strength.

  3. Beautiful tatting!

    The more stress I'm under, the more mistakes I make... just natural. Continuing best wishes for your mom and you!

  4. So glad to hear that your mom is doing better. I hope you are taking care of you a well!
    Gorgeous tatting, so delicate in pink

  5. Very pleased to hear your mom is getting better. It is tough to watch our parents get older, frailer, slower. Mindless tatting is good for stress situations. even if it ends up no worth much, it helps to pass the time, and keep your sanity. simple edgings are really good. no need to have a reason for the result. maybe a garland for the Christmas tree? or .....

    1. This was definitely not mindless! The pattern needs attention as there are a lot of split rings and there are directional changes. Ii is not a terrible difficult pattern to follow, but it is probably not one I should have had with me in a hospital!
      Fox : ))

  6. Beautiful color and pattern! We'll be praying for you and your mom!

  7. Hi Fox

    I among surmised you made mistakes, I wonder how many times you got interrupted by a nurse or looked up to say what was going on,

    It looks a lovely pattern and pretty colour

    I hope you have a better week and she continues to make steady progress to getting better

    Sending you a special (hhhhhuuuuuggggg)


    1. Thanks, Margaret! It was not good when I got to the hospital and discovered Gian had sent three pigeon bladders to my mom... : ))

  8. So glad to hear your Mum is getting better. Hope you can relax a bit more now. Take care.

  9. I think you did really well. Happy to hear your mom is getting better.
