
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

One Slow Row To Go!

Some tatters did not want to tat the last bit because they thought the later rows were merely a repetition of earlier rounds.  

However, as I tatted through the pattern, I saw that though there is a bit of repetition, there is also good reason for the repeats. This became clear as the beauty of the pattern emerged toward the end.  

Also, perhaps because of where I chose to change colours, I came to appreciate this lovely Renulek design. It is simple, elegant and very fluid. I love it. : ) 

Next post - the big reveal!


  1. I agree with you--it is a repeat, but that's like repeating the chorus in a song. It has a purpose and ties things together. Wonderful last round, too. Worth it!

  2. that looks reallly good. I can't wait for the big reveal.

  3. Very nice and beautiful, this pattern is a good one!

  4. I love, love love your color scheme here. So eye-catching!! I have paused the Spring Doily in favor of something not in the colors I chose...I'd better get back in the saddle, yours looks so nice I want to see if mine will get there, too! :)

  5. What you said about the pattern is so so right. Well well worth finishing as Renulek has designed and yours is looking amazing. Still plodding on with another one of mine but it is a long on going project!

  6. It looks like a lot of tatting but it is beautiful. I noticed the shuttles here. How do you like tatting with them?

    1. Thanks, Wendy,

      My fingers were sore from the sharp Aerlit bobbins, so I took a break. These Sunlits are pretty good! I do not stab myself with the pick as I do with the Clovers!

  7. It is going to be a huge doily! Really splendid!

  8. This is awesome! I can hardly wait for the finished picture!

  9. Thanks, Tatters! I have begun the final row. It is REALLY slow going, as I am adding beads and didn't see the pattern properly at first. There is more to the last row than I thought! : ))

  10. It is lovey. I am glad you started over after the mistake and share withbus this wonderful work

    I am at Round 8 now but I will finish all the rounds because I can already see the how it is going go turn with the colours that I plan to use.

    1. I am glad you will finish it, Jon. Such a lovely design. : )

  11. Beautiful! Beads? I'm looking forward to see your last row!

    1. Thanks, Ninetta! If you look closely you can see I have added beads in two or three of the previous rows! Impossible to see in this pic I suppose. : )

  12. That looks great! Somehow reminds me of Christmas - Christmas in spring! What could be better? I'm inspired to keep going on my own doily, too. I'm on Round 8, and it's very tempting to just stop there...

    1. Oh no! That is exactly why I hesitated to use these colours!

      Maybe if I think "Victorian Splendour" I can overcome my aversion to the similarity to Christmas colours. Maybe! : ))

    2. Oh, no, don't stop! Victorian Splendour it is! Yes indeed! :-)

  13. Hello, you intrepid tatter!!, I love your perseverance, your courage to go where others don't; all the way to the end, despite mistakes and re-tatting. You are a great role model for us all. In my language they call this behaviour 'dapper'. You can't translate it. It means brave and courageous, but it is also a term of endearment. We use it in situations where people don't really HAVE to be brave, but they are, nevertheless brave and unstoppable.

    Nice doily, good colors!

    1. What a lovely thing to tell me! Thanks, Tally!
      Fox. xxoo : )

  14. Your doily is pretty sensational in those colors. The finished piece is going to be quite spectacular!

  15. Thanks, Tatters! Your comments are so appreciated.
    Fox : )

  16. I do love this gorgeous doily! Kudos to you for sticking with it and doing such a fine job!
