
Friday, February 21, 2014

Graham’s Green

What do you think? I am pretty pleased with how this worked out. It is another pattern from the Easter Egg booklet and completes the series of five for the kidlets. Not as exciting as those dragons of old, but considering I have never seen them since, I did not want to put in all that effort - if you catch my meaning!  ; ))

Here they are all together:

Blanket Update - 88 more squares to go :


  1. I think it's great, you have a nice collection now, and I would use some of them for frames too

  2. This is pretty fancy Celtic tatting! I assume two shuttles are involved, and you have to put a shuttle through the previous ring before closing that previous ring? Then there's the last ring? I'd like to try this with my new netting needle! Might be easier! Love the amazing effect! Plus beads! I've never seen this before, that I'm aware of. Are these Lizbeth threads? All your eggs are delightful!

    And the afghan will be quite a project, but I think it's good that you're giving your wrists some different movements! I love the colors, and wonder how you will attach the squares together.

    1. Thanks kathy,
      You must use 4 shuttles! Two each colour. Tatskool did a whole series of eggs here:

      They are very beautiful and she used her own HDT on some of them. Inspiring.

      Crocheting kills my arm! Had tendonitis for months because of over-use. But then it was work. Now it is just for me. so no pressure. I always sew seams, not crochet them. : ) Fox

  3. Oh the latest egg looks really exciting! I've never tried tatting this way. Will need to learn from you.
    The granny squares are coming up nicely. Bravo.

  4. That egg looks amazing!!! :) Love the design!!! :)
    They are all so wonderful!! :)
    That blanket is going to be a treasure!! :)

  5. Wow, the interlocking greens look fabulous. Good collection of eggs. Yes, you have to work for your own satisfaction as well as that of the recipients!

  6. I've never seen that egg tatted before, and it's very effective - the kids are older now, so they will appreciate their eggs more, especially if they are presented with a small example of the chocolate variety.........

  7. Love all the tatting, especially the interlocking one. I don't celebrate Easter, but these motifs can be used as small picture frames.

    1. Jon, I really enjoy this little pattern book, though like you, I do not celebrate Easter. I bought the book because I was intrigued by a Tatskool's tatting of all the eggs.

      You just can't beat a good-looking egg! Except maybe in an omelet! ...groan...
      Fox : ))

  8. Hi Fox
    Lovely Easter eggs, I love them all and your green one is a master piece.
    The blanket is going to be an heirloom and will look lovely when finished, looking forward to seeing it finished.
    Love to Gian

  9. Oh I love this celtic egg. Very pretty with the beads!

  10. I love that egg! Looks fabulous. Good progress on the blanket.

  11. Thanks, Tatters! I am pleased you seem to Locke that green design as much as I do!
    Fox : )

  12. I imagine that the blancket has typical Canadian colors: green for the leaves, brown for the tree truncks and white for the snow,...lucky baby to have such a nice aunt!
