
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Egg Epiphany

From The Easter Egg Book:

#12 Anchor Perle from Liyarra

What does one do with a bunch of tatted eggs?  Grand kidlets! 
They still are impressed with the string bits!

Here are the eggs so far:

One more to go for the lad that fell in love with Shrek, his word for green thereafter. 
This is my plan for Grahamy:


Not pleased with my last Karey Solomon heart, nor anything I have recently tatted, (we tatters are our own best critics, n'est ce pas?) I decided I would really apply myself in this second go-around.

I see a difference, so have decided not to chuck the shuttles just yet!

Milford #40 from Liyarra

This is the one from a few days ago:

That Milford almost drove me to distraction! 
So much splitting!
: ))


  1. Milford suck....Not the reason I sent it to you though!! It was just to give you a range to choose from!!
    I found it twists and splits and is coarse to tat with.....Glad to see it wasn't just me!
    HOWEVER...... your heart looks fine!
    Love the Easter Eggs!

    1. Yes, it was quite the challenge. I thought you were trying to send me to the madhouse!
      Fox : ))

  2. Your hearts lovely. Just looking at them does not show the aggrevation you had with the thread. I've been admiring your eggs. The beads are a nice addition.

  3. Die Ostereier und die Herzen sind wunderschön, das Garn gefällt mir sehr gut und ist sehr passend.
    Lieben Gruß Cornelia

  4. The latest egg looks like it's got yummy (blocks of) candy in the middle! Ooohhh...
    What?! You haven't contracted my 'tatting issue', I hope. :p The purple heart looks absolutely fine.

  5. I like so much this striped block tatting! The lilac heart would be really nice on lavender bag:)

  6. It's not too bad - the Milford thread. Easily available, and the only problem is that it twists a bit. One of the Qld Tatters worked the Honey Napkin using Milford 20 and it was stunning!
    I remember all the dragons you made for your grandchildren a couple of years ago, Fox - hope they will love their eggs too!

    1. I wish I had done those dragons later... Who knows where they ended up. These eggs are an afterthought, not like the planning that went into the dragon project. I remember thinking that they were unappreciated. : ( but, the kids were very young and my own two were not enthrallld with their mother's strange hobby!

  7. I sometimes find Milford a bit overtwisted, but I haven't had problems with splitting. The lilac heart looks perfect!

  8. I really love the first egg, it looks like candy in the center. You always do very nice tatting.

  9. I see a difference! I think your lilac version is much better, more even, better shape. :-)

  10. The lilac heart looks lovely. Hmmm Milford splitting? I like that the Milford is a sturdy thread. I guess we all have our preferences. The little eggs are so precious. I am glad the grand kidlets appreciate tatting.

  11. Very unique egg!! :)
    And wonderful eggs and hearts!!! :)

  12. Hi Fox

    Lovely set of eggs so pleased the grand kids will benefit. I am sure they will treasure them.
    Don't fret and don't throw your shuttles away just because of a bit of thread.
    Love to Gian

    1. Oh no! You should know by now, Margaret, this is just my brand of tongue-in -cheek humour!
      Fox. : )

  13. Your eggs are very pretty! I enjoy seeing the color combinations you choose,

  14. I'm impressed, too! Cute eggs perfect for Easter, and all your tatting is beautiful to me. I admire your quest for tatting perfection.
