
Friday, February 14, 2014

Breakthrough Brainwave

I was stymied as to how to finish the doily. Some of you said it was fine the way it was, as I have run out ot thread. But I feel that with this particular pattern, it is essential to tat the last round, as it really enhances the integrity of the design.

In the past, I have sometimes omitted the last row of Jan Stawasz's patterns; it always feels like cheating somehow.

Here's the last row. Easy to make an error in a moment of looking away!

At first I had chosen two colours because the turquoise Cèbèlia, used on the centre is not quite the same shade as the Lizbeth, but is the same tone. So, I tried it with a few of my remaining #40s and nothing worked. Then -  Geronimo!

It really looks good - don’t know if it translates on your screen, but it is so good!

When I added beads between the Cèbèlia and the Lizbeth, they created a blending buffer between the two shades. After a couple of attempts with different beads, I found the right ones, and ta-da!


  1. It's really looking lovely, Fox! I really do like these colors! Hope you had a lovely day!

  2. Well done fun to watch, and great bead blending element going on!

  3. Oh, yeah! The tread in last row looking good with these little beads :)

  4. Excellent inspiration! Creativity and inspiration at work!

  5. OK, so how did you add the beads retroactively? Do NOT tell me you cut off and started again? I hope you ran a thread behind and sewed them in.

    1. Grace, the beads in the border are added just the same as the other beads in the piece- as I tat, I add them to picots.

      It is slow going as the beads are Delicas, and small, and the Cebelia is a large, soft thread. Not a good combo for bead tatting!
      Fox : )

  6. Replies
    1. Nice supportive comment Diane! Thank you. I am blushing! : ))

  7. Thanks Tatters. I am pleased with the progress, slow though it may be.
    Fox : )

  8. Well, I see that finish line approaching for this doily!! :) I am on the final round of the doily for my mom(finally!). I have 3 repeats done and 16 to go. I can't wait to finish it, and then I have to block it into submission!!! Hopefully I will have time during the week to actually get it finished! :)
    Have a great day!!! :)

  9. Oh, very nice. You always have a good eye for color.

  10. Hi Fox

    That is looking lovely and with the beads it's looking really pretty. Well done
    Love to Gian

  11. Can't wait to see the finished piece! I like the idea of adding beads to help blend in two colors. The thought would not have occurred to me, but it totally works!
