
Friday, January 17, 2014

Annalisa? Astoundingly!

Lizbeth #80

Is it really finished? Wow! That has got to be the most difficult piece I have ever tatted. When I finished the last stitch I sat there in sheer amamzement and could not believe what I have actually accomplished.

Ahem... I would like to thank my mom and dad and my Aunt Lillian umintsuru for tatting this with me. I never would have tackled this on my own. It is a very comforting thing to know there is another tatter there on the world, stitching away, challenged by the same pattern. Thanks Wendy!

This is a pattern I wil attempt again - not right away though! Now that I have figured out the directions, I would like to tat it without so much un-tatting involved. I think it will be far easier the next time.

Go to umintsuru’s blog here to see what my tatting partner has created.

Of course I must also thank Iris, for her amazing patterns and incredible mind and creative ability. Thanks Iris!


  1. Amazing and so beautiful well done, off to see Wendy's now.

  2. Thank YOU! It is a beautiful Iris Niebach pattern and may I say that we both did quite well and all that unpicking was so worth while. Your Annalisa is beautiful. I am so glad we did this.

  3. Amazing, quite amazing! It looks just grand, Fox! Beads next time, eh?

    1. Marty, you make me laugh! I just finished a small motif absolutely covered with beads! I missed them. : )

      But Iris with beads? Now THAT would be intrepid tatting!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous!!! :)
    I knew you would finish it!! :)

  5. That looks very beautiful. I love that book!!! Tatting a doily in one round is the way to go. What is the width, using size 80 thread?

    1. Thanks! It is five inches across - not very big in #80.

  6. That is gorgeous! Iris's patterns always have so much back-and-forth, I know that must have tried your patience. But you not only finished it successfully, but your long chains look nice and even with good tension, and all those beautiful feathery picots on the outside are the same size, too!

    I think I'm going to have to get that book. I love the sunflowery look of the negative space in the center of this doily, as well as all the decorative picots around the edge.

    Such a pretty teal color you used, too!

    1. Thank you, Miranda! Oh yes, Miranda. Lots of cursing was heard... The one round tat is rewarding, but challenging with an Iris tat!
      It is a great little publication. I love it.
      Fox : )

    2. You are bad for my bank account. I just went to order the book, and when I searched the Handy Hands site for "Iris Niebach", of course I found other books I also *needed* to have. And seeing Wendy's version got me thinking about variegated threads that would look good for this doily, so I had to order some new colors as well... Mmm-hmmm, I sure spent a lot of money on this $12 book... And it's all your fault (and Wendy's)!

    3. Too funny! Sounds like a familiar Fox move...

  7. Beautiful doily! You've done a lovely job with it!
    StephanieW in NC

  8. This is lovely, Fox, very lacy and precious. It comforts me that even you still have to untat sometimes!.What a lovely design. It looks like as if it has a sun in the middle!

  9. Hi Fox

    You got there, well done looks a beautiful doily. It's a beautiful pattern from Iris.
    I look forward to seeing the next challenge
    Love to Gian

  10. Well done you make her patterns with such ease, and it takes a bit for me to adjust to her stuff!

    1. What? Ease?! HA! No such thing with Iris and me!
      Fox. : ))

  11. This is stunning - all of them, yours and Umintsuru's. Five inches in 80 is a lot of tatting!

  12. Yes, I guess Iris with beads (that she didn't put into the pattern) would be something! Oh, I've done Analisa too -- I thought you might like to see it (done in 2009 and the poor thing STILL isn't blocked):

    1. Marty, it is beautiful! I see that I really have to tat this pattern again. Oh, great. Thanks!
      : ))

  13. Ooooohhhhh! Pretty! ! ! (Did you actually put on a glittery gown before you started your thank you speech? ? ? *grin*) This is one nice piece of tatting!

  14. So beautiful! What size is the finished motif? (And how do you ask this question with the word "measurement" properly? )

    I think to tat a difficult motif like that one, with thread size 80 is much harder.
    Good job Fox:)))

    1. Hi, Orsi! Thanks!

      Your question is perfect. "What is the measurement of the finished...” or “ What size is the ...” You can also ask about the dimensions, as in "What are the dimensions of... “

      : )

  15. What a wonderful accomplishment! Iris's patterns are very challenging for me, but they always turn out so beautifully! I love the thread color!

  16. Wow, congratulations! Well done for persisting and finishing, a beautiful result.

  17. Gorgeous, Fox! The pattern is stunning and I can't imagine it done in one round! Kudos.

  18. Really lovely and challenging pattern. Brava!

  19. Oh WOW! This is absolutely stunning, Fox! Very brave venture, and very well executed. Love the blue.

  20. Well done Fox! That does look complicated… and in size 80!!
    Incroyable. :-)

  21. It is very lovely! I am very new to tatting, but the doily looks very difficult, so congratulations are in order. Fabulous work.

    As a new tatter, do you have any books you would recommend? I am try needle and shuttle tatting. And is the Iris Niebach book out of print? Thank you very much.

    1. Thank you!

      There are so many free patterns online. You should be reading the wealth of tatting info on InTatters. - see the link at the bottom of this blog. - where you just join and then start learning. You will find tips and recommendations galore if you just look around or ask. Good luck and Happy Tatting!
      Fox : )

    2. p.s. The Iris book is available online in a variety of places.
