
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Peach 'n Pink

Ah - finished and sewn on - very badly.
I have done it twice...
I might as well be stitching with a fork! 

Also, because the edge is scalloped, which I considered from the start, the job of getting the thing attached was challenging. At least I picked the right pattern, considering curves and the measurement of each side. These two facets worked out fine, but the sewing.... oh, the sewing!

Last week Frivole gave us this little snowflake pattern, here
Cute and fun. Thanks, Frivole!


  1. Hi fox

    Lovely hanky, sewing looks ok to me.

    Yes her snowflake is lovely, I have the pattern here to do, I love her snowflakes.
    Love to Gian

  2. Well This look great to me, the sewing problems seem worth it to where I am sitting :) I also did her snowflake, lots of fun too!

  3. Your Hany looks good from here, Fox! Color and shape of the lace go well with the edging. Scalloped edgings ARE difficult to sew lace on .In fact, we should make e acalloped edging just for that purpose!

  4. The hanky looks great to me. I have avoided tatting for scalloped edge hankies so far, although I do have some in my stash. Just looking at those scallops makes me nervous about tatting something that will work!

    1. You just have to be very careful about the number of repeats in the side measurement and watch how the border edge will flex into the scallops... I looked at dozens of patterns before settling on this one.
      Fox : )

  5. I've been avoiding scallops too! I tried to tat a Christmas edging onto a handtowel and had to abandon it. Looking carefully at your hanky I think I can see that you haven't sewn the edging UP into the scallop anywhere, perhaps that is the trick.
    I think this would make a good topic for discussion on intatters, and Tally Tatty is right - we need a collection of suitable patterns! Perhaps a chain-only edging?

    1. Excellent idea!

      Yes, I had considered a chain-only, but considering I had ordered that thread expressly for the edging, I wanted to tat a more substantial border. : )) I knew the risks, but loved the thread and could not resist!

    2. And yes, I did avoid the valleys. I even considered sewing the border further into the fabric, ignoring the scalloping altogether! But that would have required far more sewing ability than I shall ever possess!

  6. Very elegant hanky edging!!! :)
    Love that snowflake!!! :)

  7. Looks fabulous! So dainty and pretty and the angst over sewing doesn't show. Lovely colour thread.
