
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fatal Flaw

Once you read the heading, you are alerted to the fact that there is something amiss. 

On the sixth and last round, I realized the repeats were not going to work out properly and it took me quite a while to see where the error had originated.

It was in the fourth row and there is no way to fix it unless I basically re-do the entire piece.

There is not enough of the thread to do this and I am not feeling kindly to tatting this pattern again - not immediately. Although I enjoyed the tatting, like the design and will re-tat it again, now is not the time. Too much temptation on the to-tat list!

So, in spite of the glitch, I forged ahead and finished, leaving it till the morning to see how obvious the “fix” is. It is obvious - but maybe only because you read the heading? Blocking yet to happen.

Too much: 

Good for the soul and whatever else ails, 
but not so much for the stitching.  
: )


  1. I can see the mismatched repeat in the outer row, but for the life of me I can't find the mistake in the fourth round.

    Would you have enough pink thread to tat just the outer round again? If I'm doing the math right, I think it would work out evenly to alternate repeats with one inner ring with repeats with two inner rings. That way it would look intentional, and in fact I think it would be even more visually interesting.

    1. Miranda, there is an extra set of "fronds". There should be only one set per clover... I think the error probably occurred on joining the round at the end, as it usually does,

      Thanks for the suggestion. I might just do a simpler last row as I a not thrilled with the look of this one anyway... Maybe even in the cream thread...

    2. Aha! The mistake is in the inner pink row! There is a clover missing a petal!!!

    3. Now I see it. Mathematically, I knew there had to be something missing, as there should be 40 repeats each in rows 5 and 6, and there are only 39. That missing petal explains it all. Clearly, that boo-boo is not noticeable at all, if the outer round can be made to fit.

      I think the outer round looks really good in pink, and it ties it in with the other pink round.

  2. I know it doesn,t meet your standards for perfection but it is still quite lovely!

  3. Thanks, Michelle, but I don't think I can give it away like this... I think I shall have to pick another project for this gift... : (

  4. Hi Fox

    Oh dear, I can't see the error, but it's a lovely piece in those colours but I can feel your pain after all the tatting a cock up is not what you wanted.
    Gian I hope your ears were closed when she found the little error, I expect the air was a little blue and purple.

  5. Your doily is so beautiful!!! :)
    Nice motif!! :)

  6. So sorry, and it was coming along so beautifully! It still looks lovely though.

  7. It is fixable... but you would need to do surgery and cut through each of the outer rows at the error.... untat a bit each side of the cut on each row and splice in thread to retat that small section.... the outer ring would need to be cut back to the place where you got off with just the single ring.... I know, a lot of work and a lot of ends to hide... but you've come sooooooo far!

  8. It looks very good. very few will notice the flaw, however, I understand the need for perfection especially in gifts. Marla's suggestion matched what I was thinking, but it is a bit fiddly. Good luck on what you decide to do.

    1. Thanks, Tatters!

      Marla and Ladytats, I am tempted to just block it to smithereens and be done with it as the recipient will never notice! But, I see the flaws so clearly.... I am not sure what I'll do.

      I am certain it will end "in the bin" as Margaret would say, if I start messing with all that splicing. Too much to correct.

      The other option is to tat a simple pink border ( not much thread left) to avoid the ring problem.

  9. Wow That took some looking, and only noticed the last pink round I think just ripping out a third of it and fudge it! or place it on a crazy quilt square and cover it with silk ribbon flowers! and no one would be the wiser :)

  10. Dear Fox, I can imagine how you feel! Sorry, have another Dr Who-ever. Then consider this: errors are not fatal , they are human. This piece is beautiful because it has a mistake. Without the error, it would be so perfect that people would think it is machine-made! try Marla's suggestion.
    If you really want to throw it in the bin, please send it to me,...
    I have never seen a persian rug without a mistake!! Courage!!

  11. Dang it, I hate it when that happens! Non-tatters (and even many tatters!) would never notice, but I know what you mean.

  12. Oh no! As you said - when alerted to the error in the title I was able to spot it, but it did take some looking. As with most things, the error is probably by far more obvious to you than to anyone else!

  13. There is a culture who purposely makes sure there is a mistake in everything they create as they believe only God should create something perfect. Perhaps you could borrow that philosophy! :)

    I think it looks very nice! I don't tat, but I had to look hard and the only thing I noticed with my untrained eye was the missing loop in the lower left hand corner of the picture - the inside part of the outer pink band. But, I had to look hard to find that! If there was anything else, I sure couldn't see it! :)

  14. Oh dear, what a shame after all that work. Blocking could well make it acceptable, though I understand that you know it's not perfect.

  15. And I'd used the napkin to sew the bag (like this
    a place where there is only one ring I would placed on the bottom, and add tassel :)

  16. Oh, Fox, how disappointing! (not to mention frustrating) I think a non-tatter would be hard pressed to see an error, but I understand how you like your work to be.

  17. Oh, I so appreicate all the commiseration! : ))

    Marta, that is a super idea, but I handle a sewing needle like a 3 year old child. Won’t be happening! But thanks for that!
    Fox : ))

    1. p.s. I know the bag is crocheted, but you would need a lining because of the tatting...

    2. Yes, the bag like this need lining. I have another idea: You can sew (machine) a napkin on a pillowcase. But I will insist on adding the tassel in problematic ring :D Because I like tassels :)

    3. M-a-c-h-I-n-e???? What is that?
      Fox :))

    4. Sewing machine, it's so strange device that old models are so nice that some people keep them at home for decoration ;)

    5. Oh! Thanks Marta! So that's what you said!

      Funnily enough, I grew up with two of those old black Singer machines. My mom and my grandmother both had one, but they were like alien beings to me!
      Fox : ))
