
Monday, November 25, 2013

Dutch Delight

The birthday of a dear family friend is in February, so I thought Id get this started early and hopefully finished. It is turning out to be not as large as I had envisioned it, which is just as well.

The recipient loves and truly appreciates the first small motif I gave her last year and happily displays it in her bedroom, but she is a very un-frilly individual! So this is better smaller. it will be about eight inches. I am guessing.

The pattern is from a Dutch publication. (De Frivolité(k)ring) The thread is Altin Basak #50 and Lizbeth #40. Those pretty teal beads are from Ninetta.

Also, the tiny vintage white beads are the ones my mom saved for me a few years ago. There aren’t that many left and the recipient will appreciate the sentiment, as she adored my mom, ever since she was a wee tot.

The colours are not my favourites, but the choices are very limited now.  I have used up tons of thread this year and have given lots away - especially thread that I don’t really love.

I am now extremely picky about thread and even more discerning about what I will spend money on.

Today I very nearly bought a few balls of Valdani, but a good tatting friend (Thanks, Liyarra!) cautioned me -  I have already gone through this number before  -  about it, so I have managed to refrain.

However, the time approaches (after the holiday season for sure!) when I shall have to add a few colours, but I think it probably be Altin Basak.


  1. That's funny about Altin Basak - I gave mine away as I didn't like it at all!!!! That was years ago but I'd never go back to it. It's too soft and flimsy for me. Just shows that one man's meat is another man's poison!!! Wish I'd known you liked it - you could've had all mine.

  2. Ah, Jane! The story of my entire life - exquisite timing!!!

  3. I really like that bright pink with the ivory! It's going to look very pretty. And I admire your de-stashing - what self-control! I don't think I could do it… I like to have a lot of choice! :-)

  4. I think your work is just beautiful, and I enjoy that Altin Basak it is soft and a nice change. I do have all different kinds. this is so delicate and the beads are sweet and placed just right:)

  5. Hi Fox
    That's going to look lovely when you finish it, I find Altin Basak is soft but good for hankys, I did try the red/silver thread for the door wreaths, the silver thread broke on the jk's so I cut that off and gave up on the red thread, going to try three beads on the wreath.
    Live to Gian

  6. This is beautiful, I especially like the variations in the cream color. I have tried a few diff threads but not nearly as many as you. I don't like the completely silky threads, those made from 100% rayon, though I love the thread itself, it is so slippery to me, and unless it is a polished cotton, I have a hard time with fuzzies. I can't wait to see this finished :)

  7. Me thinks you need more HDT - try Karey's!

    I'm a Lizbeth gal, like Jane says, some one's great thread is dreadful for others.

    1. I know! I have written her many times, but she is not too good at returning email! One of these days!

  8. We noticed, Fox,... you tatted away furiously. But we loved watching!

  9. Oh, Fox! I think it is really pretty! I love the colors! You always pick the perfect beads to go with! Can't wait to see it finished!

  10. It's such a pretty tat, and made more special with your Mom's beads.

  11. Hey, how do you feel about Hakelgarn and omega?

    1. Hi there, Connie!
      I am not fond of omega and have never tried Hakelgarn, but I have heard it is good. I don’t think it is sold much anymore.

  12. Hi Fox.. Is this pattern out of the magazine you submitted the pattern to?
    Mine has not arrived yet.

    Altin Basak.....oh dear.... I too destashed a heap of it a couple of months ago.....

  13. Jenni, the pattern is not from the magazine. I think Fox keeps mixing up Danish and Dutch.
    Obviously it must be hard to distinguish between the two nationalities!!!

    1. Susanne,
      All fixed. No, not difficult at all - just a little dyslexic slippage!
      Fox : )
