
Friday, October 25, 2013

Tardy Tatting


Half-way around row 5.


  1. Seems to me like you're going really fast on this doily, actually. It has a lot of stitches, as opposed to a lot of open space, so it's naturally going to take longer than other doilies of similar size. And it looks fabulous!

  2. wow that's a lot of work in 2 days! looking very nice!

    1. Really? It seems like I have not done a lot... Thank you!
      Fox )

  3. Lovely!
    Now that you are past the ranting and hair-pulling, aren't you glad you kept with this?

  4. I can't believe you have done this much in only a couple days. You tat so well and so quickly. Thank you for sharing.
    this is going to be an awesome piece when you have finished it.

  5. Not "tardy"- for once I must demur. Tardy implies that the work is late - and it is not late for anything, it is simply slow work.
    How about "Deliberate Dalliance..? " As in you have to think about every single stitch and join....

    1. Busted! I know! You are good, Maureen; I could not think of a word that sounded right with "tatting !" Was lazy and went with " tardy."

      Was hoping for something like unco-operative that fit the bill but no inspiration. Sorry, but dalliance is far too positive... Go for something more obstructive...: ))

  6. Are you kidding, Fox! I'm sure that even when I finally learn to tat, something like this would take me a couple of decades to get this far! ;) It really is looking beautiful! You should be so proud of your work! It is lovely! I see there is a copy of Patti Duff's Minitats book on ebay . . . so tempted to put a bid in to stash it away for when I do finally get around to learning!

    1. Ohhh, it is a VERY good book with tiny motifs...
      Fox. : ))

    2. Fox, I would have loved to try to get it. I put it on my watch list. The auction ends tonight, but I just checked and the bids are up to $101 US as of now. I am out of the running for this one! I will be anxious to see what it finally goes for when I get home from work tonight! ;)

    3. That is a crazy price! Check over at InTatters - I am sure you can find this at a reasonable price...

  7. Hi Fox,

    See now that you have taken a deep breath and sat tatting it's now looking lovely, ok it's going slowly but that's its size, it takes longer to get around as it grows bigger, you know that.
    I must say I never thought you would get this far, well done and keep up the good work.
    Love to Gian

  8. Considering the number of stitches, I think you're zipping through this one. It looks beautiful!

  9. Still lovin' it!!! :)
    Seems to me with any project that gets larger and larger it tends to go slower and slower, but those are the projects which seem most fulfilling when finished!! :)

  10. Woop Woop Woo!! That's all I've got to say!

  11. Gosh, that looks so challenging! What a treasure this will be.
