
Saturday, October 12, 2013


I was reading about Jon’s mishap with the Mystery Doily and commiserating, thinking I was so lucky I hadn’t had to cut off any of the doily in the third round and I was well into the fourth, when I noticed something was amiss. Really wrong. You might say a complete disaster!

Following instructions in tatting and in life - not my forte. Here was yet another example of how this often leads me to unemployment or wasted thread.

Not only had I done the pattern wrongly in the fourth round, but when I started to snip away at the fourth row... yup, into the third row I cut - and cut.....  Ohhhhh, the language.

I had myself convinced that tatting was a dumb thing to do and I should just chuck the motif and all my thread and shuttles and everything. I felt I should just never tat again! What a mood!

Mr. G calmed me down. He gallantly shared his toys with me and we played for a bit till I was a better person. Quite maturely, (for a change) I  put the piece away till today, coming to whatever senses I might still possess and sat quietly fortified with very strong coffee and got to fixing the mess.

The good news is that I cannot even find the part I fixed! And I was truly dreading fixing it as I am so intimidated by the joining at the end of the row. Always. But since I am getting lots of practice, I was able to do it after only two un-tats!

Seeing where I had gone astray, I promised myself that I will READ the pattern before plunging ahead. I am not rushing.
I am tatting zen:
Round 4, Mystery Doily


  1. Stay strong, Fox. You will conquer the Mystery Doily!

  2. Hi Fox

    My heart sunk Fox not tatting any more she can't just throw her shuttles and thread away, No No,
    I please you went back to the mystery doily and have sort it and have started the 4th row again, looking ok this time, keep it up and don't forget read the pattern, do you hear, always read the pattern.
    Love to Gian, I am so glad he calmed you down and sort you out,

  3. Do not give up! I keep my fingers crossed for you :)

  4. Hi Fox
    Sometimes it is useful to read the pattern, but I don't do it everytime.

  5. The doily looks fabulous.
    The trials of tatting do try our patience: some of my tats have learned to fly out the window...... ;-!

  6. You make me laugh, years ago I through away my entire sewing machine at the time I was really into sewing and my husband saw it outside and retrieved it. :) let's just say I pretty much know what you were feeling. The doily is looking very nice, and love the life lessons it's teaching too!

    1. The ENTIRE machine?!?Was your machine broken, or did it still work? LOL

  7. Thanks, Mr. G! ! ! ! :) Sorry you had to do that, Fox, but I'm glad you are having better luck this time around! ! !

  8. Snipping seems to be in the air! Hopefully you've snipped this one for the last time!

  9. So glad that you were able to continue on! "Time spent with cats is NEVER wasted!" They always know best Ü and are wonderful therapists. I hope the rest of the row goes smoothly.

  10. Forgive if I write something silly, but what IF the rows 2,3 and 4 are correctly described, but the centre ring is wrong? Could you (carefully) cut the centre piece out, and design a new one that fits?

    1. Whaaaat??!!! I shall have to send out the Tatting Police to deal with you! The centre is fine! And I would never mess with this one! Vickie Reynolds has done a fantastic job interpreting this old pattern.

      Thanks for thinking about it - very creative - and for the comment, but I really shook my head when I read it!! lol!
      Fox : ))

  11. It looks fabulous!!! And I love your tatting so I would be sad if you quit!!! :)

  12. Oh, I like this new zen tatter Fox:)))
    Your doily looks fabulous!
