
Thursday, September 26, 2013

With A Lot Of Help From My Friends

Thank you Jon and Ninetta!!!

No Mistakes!

It took a week and a lot of hours and over 6 tries, 
a lot of wasted thread, and my teeth are sore from grinding!
Never dismiss dyslexia as some form of excuse.
 It is a real naughty problem for some of us! 
Right Ms. S.W.?

Anyway, there is a great tatting story around this doily. 

I have been following Ninetta Caruso’s photos on Flickr. Here tatting is wonderful, (Her kissing minnows border that appears today on Umintsuru’s blog) and she uses very skinny thread and colourful  plastic shuttles that I have never seen anywhere.

So, I emailed her to tell her I love her tatting and quipped something about needing her magic shuttles to get through the Mystery Doily. I asked her what they were and where she got them as they were new to me. Just little kidding around I thought....

Well, next thing, in the mail:

This amazing woman sent me some of her shuttles - her own shuttles with thread on them - because the store she gets them in was out of shuttles when she went to find some for me! Can you believe it!

And look at the tatting - the little beaded tree and the metallic thread in the butterfly - gorgeous! Thank you so much Ninetta! 

After I opened her package, of course I had to try the shuttles right away. 

Strange not to have the hook, but I began the tatting trip with Clovers, and am used to holding a crochet hook, so I plunged ahead and tatted this right away, without even a pattern as I was so impatient!


The biggest test lay ahead... the question was to see if the magic shuttles could indeed do the trick.

Last night and this morning I worked slowly and with bated breath on the seventh try at the first round of the doilyand with Jon’s  picture blown up large, my magic shuttles shuttles and a long crochet hook. It worked! How I love magic!

Someone around here was not at all pleased with the you-know language and the final whoops of joy. Not at all impressed...

I had disturbed him from his own enjoyment...

Isn’t he cute though?


  1. It looks wonderful Fox!! I knew you would get it!! :)
    Enjoy all your new shuttles and I can't wait to see what other magic happens with them!! :)

  2. Purrr - he is a handsome, cross-eyed fellow!

    Oh, and your tatting is nice too!

    1. He is not cross-eyed, except maybe in this pic! He had conniptions when he read that! Ah the egotistical feline...

  3. I'm confused - I was sure you had already posted about joining the first round a few days ago? Maybe you started again.
    What a lovely lot of shuttles Ninetta sent you!

    1. You are right, Maureen, I did complete it and start on the second row, but it was messy and I feared I did not "get" how I had ended it so I turfed it.

      Obsessively yours,
      Fox : )

  4. He's as adorable as ever but did anyone really expect anything less from Mr. G.? Congrats your success and your tenacity! It certainly pays to have good friends to bounce issues off of, your a lucky woman.

  5. Congratulations on your achievement! And your effort was rewarded with lovely shuttles! Nice!

  6. He's got some real cattitude, doesn't he! Congrats on the success, it's more than I could have done and I salute you. :)

    1. Hi Jane,
      Attitude +!

      If I can do it anyone can!
      Fox : ))

  7. Fantastic, Wonderful, Awesome, YIppee! I knew you could do it. Congratulations

  8. Hi Fox

    We all have faith in you that you could do it, it looks really good, magic shuttles no I don't believe in it, you just got the hang of it, and yippee it worked.
    I am sure he did not appreciate your hard work, but I expect he was shocked you did it and pleased after all the ....... words you have used.
    Love to Gian

    1. Thanks, Margaret. He is learning to have faith in the language. Usually there is a positive outcome!
      Fox : ) xxoo

  9. I'm happy that the magic shuttles worked for you! I must contact Ninetta to get her shuttle source. Those cuties look like a must-have for my collection. ;-)

    1. Bit of a bother with the crochet hook, but nice little shuttles. I KNEW I would her from YOU!
      Fox : ))

  10. What fun to get shuttles in the mail! and all your work looks great! love the helper cat!

  11. Congratulations on your success! Wonderful magic shuttles! You never did say what they were, does she get them from the magic shop?

  12. Thanks, Wanda!

    Yes, indeed. I believe they come from an Italian Magic Shoppe! : )

  13. Must be magic.....disappear from sight when you try to find them online LOL....

    I also would like to know where to get some for my collection which has had to be replenished after my tatting break and lots of giveaways!!!

    Must be good if you like them even without the hooks!!

    Tatting looks good as usual. You make me smile so much girl!!
