
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Triumphing The Trellis

This turned out to be about 81/2” in diameter. Not too big for me to tat as a project that has no purpose. Besides, I have lots of Sally’s wonderful blue thread left. I think that must be the old Cèbèlia, as the label is different than what I have in the same thread, and I have never seen that colour before. Thanks again, Sally!

It is difficult to get a good photo of this - but the thread colour here, on my laptop anyway is pretty accurate.

By the way, the number of rings in the first round is 22. Any less than that and I think it would have been imposible to tat properly with the #30 thread.

Now, In the NEWS...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 
Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court wears..... 

Am I harbouring a delusion? Is this really, really what I think it is? It does not seem to be crochet, and I can not get close enough to the photo to see clearly. 

I forget where the photo came from but the article was concerning her performing a same-sex marriage ceremony, so it is current.

Rock on Justice Bader Ginsberg! : )

: ( Oh no. I think it IS crochet.... Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


  1. Well whatever it is (I think it is crochet but could be all chains tatting) I wouldn't want to tangle with the wearer. She looks very stern.

  2. Umie szydełkować, robić na drutach, szyć/samouk/, nawet potrafię robić na szydełku z koralików,ale frywolitek nie potrafię.Frywolitki w Twoim wykonaniu są piękne.Pozdrawiam.

    1. From Maria...
      "Know how to crochet, knit, sew, I can even self-taught/do on crochet with beads, but I can not frywolitek.A tatting goddess in your design are beautiful.Best regards."

      Than you, Maria!
      Fox : )

  3. Well, she's wearing a collar of some sort of handmade lace, and that's good enough for me! I can't tell from here whether it's tatting or crochet, but either way, I'm pleased to see it.

    The completed trellis doily is gorgeous! It's such an intricate design, and very nicely executed. I love the color, too.

  4. Beautiful doily, and the color is gorgeous. Why don't they make colors like that anymore. I saw that picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and also noticed the collar right away. It gives her a slightly softer look.

  5. Love your doily. I turned out beautifully. The color may be crochet or bobbin lace. hard to tell.

  6. Thanks. Tatters! I am really pleased with it.
    Fox : )

  7. Looks like a great doily it is finished yea and looks like nice color too.

  8. You ought to frame the Trellis - and it would look beautiful under a small vase, I think you can find a purpose for it!
    Wonderful picture of the judge.

  9. Your Trellis is awesome, looks like you "trucked" through it just fine! I wonder what Mr. G thinks of it?

    I couldn't say one way or the other on the judge's choice of lace but it's still lace which is wonderful to see.

    Happy Labour Day to you!

  10. Who-ooo, well done, your trellis looks great!! Good that the judge is advertising lace collars anyway.

  11. You can make a round pillow for Mr. Gian - he would have liked it :)

  12. Hi Fox

    The lace collar whatever it is, us lace and its nice to see lace being worn however it was made.

    Your trellis mat is lovely, it's so intricate well done are archiving it. When are you going to make another one?
    Love to Gian

  13. Congratulations on completing the Trellis !! Looks brilliant. I admire your ability to just get in there and try anything and succeed!!

    Re the Judge....maybe we should bombard her with tatted collars and see what happens!!

    1. You are funny! I had the very same thought! I even thought of the trellis in white!!!

  14. I Googled Justice Ginsburg's name and looked under Images. She seems to wear this piece often and I was able to find a really clear photo. This piece is totally beaded - no threads are visible between the beads! There are triple beads forming the 'points'.

    Your trellis is indeed a triumph!

    1. Kathy, I looked there as well and did not see a good, clear photo. Good for you for finding one. So is it tatted or crocheted?

    2. Marta's third URL shows the photo very well. I have no knowledge of the art of beading, but it looks like the collar is made up of strings of beads that are somehow tied or woven to form the design. I would say that tatting or crocheting are not involved in any way. (I see that Crazy Mom concurs.) It would probably be easy to keep clean!

  15. I think, that Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg likes collars. See here:

  16. Kathy is right - the collar is completely beaded.

    It occurred to me that someone should TAT her a collar, with beads on the points. And soon - she's no spring chicken! She's a great lady and a real asset on the Court - I'm crazy for Ginsburg!

    Alas, my time is too tight to do such a project. Not any time soon....

  17. The trellis is beautiful, and I love the color. Also props to you for finding something that at least looks like tatting...beautiful!

  18. Your Victorian Trellis looks fabulous! When are you starting Judge Ginsburg's collar? ;-)

  19. Very interesting pattern! The finished piece looks very nice and I am almost tempted to try it out as well!

  20. If that collar is beaded, it's done in "netting stitch," which would be diagrammed . . . about like tatted trellising, in that the END of each loop is stitched to the Center of the one on the previous row.
    Very pretty doily.

    Sandy in TX

  21. Found a video in the C-Span archives tonight where she (Justice Ginsburg) talks about her robes and the collar in question. It (the collar) is apparently from Cape Town, South Africa. She speaks regarding it at about 19:30 on the video available here: The section where she talks about her robes ends at about 23:00. Very interesting.
