
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Obviously Obsessed

And another two ... that makes it seven. Actually I have tatted eight, but one of those was a wash because I missed a ring.

I could not get this last one right and must have un-tatted and cut it at least six times, which is a lot on such a tiny project! 

I think this occurred because this particular Perfect Quilter is very thin ( because of the the dye??)  - it seems much thinner than the others. 

Also, it seems especially tiny to me as I am using a #10 on another project that I have begun, but more about that another time.

Now, the Ellen Stafford pattern: I am not going to continue this doily. I got halfway through the next round and realized I was not liking it much. The last round was removed.

Tatting this did inform me about how the Perfect Quilter tats up and also how I do with#80 thread, so the exercise was fruitful, but finished it now is. Maybe it will make its way to The Boss. 


Terri’s First Project!

Terri is someone I met a while ago when buying some needles at a local craft store. We got to talking about tatting, which she had never done before and I directed her to tat-ology. She seemed pretty enthusiastic, but you can never tell.

Well! A few days ago I was in that shop again and lo and behold there was Terri and though she was shy at first in front of the camera, she became braver as she saw I was obviously so very delighted with her first project! Isn’t it just great? And she loves to tat!!!

Shy no more, Terri!

One last thing...

I had some thread on the shuttles, so tried out a pattern in the Occhi Peacock book - all chains.  I rather like it.


  1. Colours on the first motif is lovely. Glad you are having so much fun with Perfect Quilter threads.

    The Stafford doily is looking great.

    Hi to Terri, a fellow tatter.

    What is your Size 10 project? Could it be another Stawasz?

    1. Ah, Wendy, you do indeed know me well! I am surprised you have not even figured out the very pattern! ; ))

    2. NO!!! You will have to wit for the reveal on this one. Funnily enoug,h the flower pot is one I have not wanted to try!
      Fox : ))

  2. Nice first project, Terri!

    You ARE obsessed, but I like the motifs. Can't wait to see your next project - you are such an inspiration! I think I spend more time planning and dreaming than I do tatting :)

  3. The top motif in the plum and teal thread is my favorite so far.

    Love the colors on the Stafford doily, and good for you on knowing when to quit.

    Congratulations to Terri! And using a doodad on her first project, too! She'll be a master tatting designer before we know it.

  4. I really like your motifs using the Perfect Quilter Threads. They are so pretty and cheerful. Congrats on another tatter.

  5. A wonderful obsession! Fabulous colours, no wonder you're smitten. Well done to Terri.

  6. Ah, but what a magnificent obsession! Love the way the colors flow with this motif!

  7. Hi, what color/brand thread is the first motif?

  8. That's my favourite colour way of the Perfect Quilter threads (the purple and green). And well done on getting another tatter hooked!

  9. I'm so glad you made the pretty motif from Tatting Patterns, by Blomqvist and Persson. I'd forgotten I had it. I was very delighted when I realized I have that book. Gotta give it another try.

    1. Isn't it great to realize you have the pattern? Have fun!
      Fox : ))

  10. I was just looking at that pattern from the Peacock book last night. Then decided that I need to try THE peacock again now that I have had so much more practice using 2 shuttles. (post with photos coming soon)
    Meryl in Australia

    1. Meryl, Well I am impressed! That pattern terrifies me! Good Luck!
      Fox : ))
