
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Charmed By The Challenge

I am so inspired by Jon's tatting of the Mystery Doily. It seems a to be a wonderful and  quite challenging piece and I have the original thread I bought for the Trellis Doily, 
- a #30 Cèbèlia, in ivory.

This innocuous-looking beginning took me hours to do. Now, however, I see what is happening in the pattern and it has become a bit easier. It is not for the faint of heart though!
Then, I figured out a Japanese pattern that confounded me last year - it was not difficult last night at midnight! Go figure. 

The dark beads are actually a lovely dark lilac, but look quite ghastly in this photo. 

This will entertain me briefly as I begin the Myster Doily. : ))’


  1. oh, good on you for tatting the Mystery Doily too. I like the look, but the time involved right now just won't work for me. The lilac and teal beads and thread are going to be very pretty

  2. Yes, I agree with lady tats it looks like your gonna do the 5,000 piece puzzle, I am curious if you will have the ruffling problem Jon had, sometimes tension is different with different people. Keep us posted!

  3. Hmmm... Mystery Doily in Perfect Quilter... with beads... you are amazing!

    1. Good grief, no! You didn't read, Ms. Lace-lovin' Librarian! That thread is just for a diversion! Can you imagine THAT pattern in THAT thread? :))

  4. Good luck with the mystery doily, it looks very daunting to me! Daunting pattern and daunting thread, no, sensible to avoid that.

  5. I love the color ivory
    the other color is not bad, a littel "flashy' but why not ?
    I wish you a nice day
