
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Valdani Vapours

This is from “Craft of Tatting” by Bessie Attenborough. I have wanted to tat it for a while and might still make it larger. I like it, though I do have trouble attaching the pieces. I can never figure out where to begin the attaching.

I used the Daiso #40, from Wendy. It is lovely to work with.

What is NOT nice to work with is Valdani! When will I ever learn? I must stay away from any thread that is not a 6 ply and mercerized, meaning shiny! I do not like soft or fluffy, dull thread.

So, here I am with the most expensive order - the second Valdani arrived, postage paid and I absolutely cannot use it.

 I do enjoy #80 very much in Lizbeth or DMC, but not this. I even could not follow the border pattern - mistake after mistake after another mistake was made and I could not un-tat one ds. Grrrrrrr.......

So - whoever wants it (blog followers only please!) leave a comment and you will be sent the thread, which is a gorgeous antique gold variegate and some books that I no longer need to keep for a variety of reasons that only a therapist could possible understand!  : ))

Random Generator Draw - July 10

Now another thing: I bought this book second hand (it’s one of those tatting classics) at quite a good price on ebay, but, never will use it as it is written in a way that does not communicate to my way of understanding; thus it is useless for me.

I would love to trade it for either a Russian, Italian or German publication that lives with someone who would prefer to have this one instead... Any takers? If all else fails, I would trade for thread. ; )


  1. ,oh me, me,me please! The color reminds me of someone!

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog..The thread is a nice color but have never used anything but a 20.The books do not have and look interesting.I could give them a good home.

    1. Hi, Patti,
      Hope you had a good Canada Day!
      Fox : )

    2. Spent it nursing hubby as he was sick.Hope yours went well though..

  3. I would love to give the thread a try. Looks very pretty.

  4. I would love the books, and will give the thread a try at some point when I get caught up.

    As for the Elgiva book. I would love to have that one too, but do not have one of the books you list to trade. What thread would you like in trade?

    1. Tell you what, Ladytats. You were first to offer thread. So, if no books present themselves, we'll figure something out. Thanks!
      Fox : )

  5. I'm sure I could put the thread and the books to good use. Count me in.

  6. I know what you mean about Valdani, I bought loads a few years back, when the choice of coloured threads was far more limited. The colours are wonderful, but it takes a lot of care to actually tat. I used some for bobbin lace, though, and it works well for that.
    The Elgiva Nicholls book looks wonderful, but I don't know that I have anything to propose, I will just have to look out for one... What is it like inside?

    1. Hi Snowy,
      It is very dry with lots of long-winded but well-written explanations of the mechanics of tatting, which is not conducive to learning to my way of understanding. I cannot follow her train of thought and just go blank. Everyone learns so differently, so this might be a good book for another learner-type.

      She covers lots of the old techniques and has vintage pictures with the explanations. I think it is a very good resource which looks at the basics of tatting and also some less common types of tatting.
      Fox : )

    2. Ahh, thanks for the review. I have her "Technique and History" and although I wouldn't give it away, it doesn't inspire me. I won't try too hard to find it. :)
      I am thinking of posting the Valdani piece of lace, because I can't show it any other way...
      Reading what others have said, I agree that maybe you are pulling the stitches up too tightly, however I do that as well, and I never unpick! Still I have found that relaxing the tension slightly means I have less knots when I tighten my rings. It doesn't look very tidy at the moment though.

  7. Try again, Fox - and if you post your shuttle, then anything at all can be unpicked.
    Pack it all up for a month or two and then give it another go...Valdani is lovely to work with.
    I'm working on a very iffy pattern at the moment, and only by posting my shuttles all the time have I been able to approach it with any confidence! But now that I understand how it works, the next time will be much easier.

    1. Hmmm, I think I have tried that... Maybe I tat too tightly, as I cannot get the stitches open and I pick the thread till it breaks... You must be very patient, and adept. : )

    2. I'm not sure about un-tatting it either, it is very thin. I tend to think it's between 80 and 100 (which would make it 90, I guess :)

      I bought some a long time ago, tatted with it, and decided I hated it, so put it to one side. Then I went back to it, and decided I actually really liked it afterall. It is dull (ie, there's no shine) but if you can tat with it, it does look nice.

      You could save yourself a bit of the thread and persevere on something smaller and simpler maybe.

      Also, I've noticed they do silk threads too - I've never seen them for sale here, but I like the idea. (Although I'd go nuts if I screwed that up while I was working with it :D

  8. Hurray for Daiso threads! I would love the Nichols book but ladytats called. It. Hope she gets it too!

  9. Hi Fox! Sorry you are not liking the Valdani. I thought about placing an order a while ago but the postage to the UK was so atrocious that I cancelled the order. And I'm always happy to add new tatting books to my small collection so if you are doing a draw, I'd like to be counted in please!

    Your white motif's looking gorgeous.

  10. If you send a package to Polish, enter me on the list :)
    If the thread does not fit for tatting, it will always be crocheted as rescue...

    1. Oh, I read what I wrote... To Poland, of course.
      My english is still very poor.

      You might want to try the Polish thread of Ariadne, which is called "Ada"?

    2. Yes, I wil send it to Poland if you win it, Marta! Why? Because your English is actually excellent!!!
      Fox : ))

      p.s. Thanks - I will look up that link. : )

  11. Yes. Please throw my name in the hat.

    Very nice mat.
    LeVert92 at

  12. I love Bessie's book, but I haven't looked at it in a while. Maybe I should pull it off the shelf again! I'm not a fan of Valdani thread, and I own all of those books, so I think I'll take a pass this time. You are making me consider going through all of my tatting supplies and evaluating what I really need to keep and what I could share with others. Then I might be able to find what I'm really looking for!

  13. Hi Fox!

    I would love the thread, but I'm pretty sure I don't deserve it :) because I'm a newbie in tatting and in blogging :)
    I'm sorry I have no publications to share, I only have a few so far and I didn't have the time to go through all the patterns! But I have one or two italian tatting magazines (I'm italian!), not in exchange but as a gift I promise when I'll be done with them I will send you if you're interested in (please consider enough time, I'm not that quick!)

    1. Hi, Mary!
      I would be delighted to exchange the magazines you are finished with for some Lizbeth thread! My email is on my profile. Give me a shout! : ))

  14. I like Valdani threads - please put my name in the hat. I'm not 'officially' signed-in as a blog 'follower,' but I have you bookmarked and I check almost every day to see what you've been doing. You must tat fast - there's always something new and pretty. I'll tat with anything and everything. ;-)
    Stephanie W. in NC

  15. Hi, Fox! If those books could teach me to tat . . . I'd be thrilled if I could be entered in this draw! I am a follower, but I don't see my icon up there in the list . . . you have gotten lots more followers since I joined, I must be further down! :) I love seeing all the beautiful things you create! Maybe one day I could do some, too! :) Thank you!

    (By the way, I haven't seen Gian for a while . . . has he gone on vacation to the Mediterranean or something for the summer without you? :D )

    1. Thanks. Mr. G. Is enjoying the summer at home!
      Fox : )

  16. How disappointing the thread is not compatible. Wishing you happy tatting. (1 week today we'll be en route to our new home! I'm excited, but tired from all the packing. Will it ever end?

  17. Hi Fox

    Never tried the thread but the colour is lovely, I would trade you some Lizbeth thread for some to try.
    Thank you Gian, It's too hot here to play with the wildlife.
    Love to Gian
    Have a nice weekend
