
Friday, June 28, 2013

Messing Around With Mary

... Konior, that is, while waiting for my thread for the border.

Also, another pattern by  Sumi Fujishigi:


  1. Those are pretty! You do such a nice job. :)

  2. I love the pink color combo, nice blend. I always love MK patterns. The blue motif is wonderfully unique. You do nice work while waiting for more thread :)

  3. I love Mary's flower fragments! I just don't know what to do with them all!

    1. Me neither, Diane. I thought these might look good a t-shirt for The Boss and Mini-Boss...

  4. Beautiful! You have a great eye for putting colors together. I LOVE the pink with the variegated. Looking beautiful Fox!!!

  5. Hi Fox

    What a beautiful little motifs, and flower fragments, beautifully tatted, Well done.
    How is Gian, still helping you with your tatting??

    Love to Gian
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Ooooooh, I'm inspired. The blue and green flowers would be nice on a hat, or in the corners of a tablecloth. I once had lunch with a lady who had a tablecloth with a little hole in it. She really liked her table cloth so was upset about the hole. I tatted several small flowers. She sewed them wimsicly around on her table cloth and covered the hole with one.
    Also, I've been dreaming up adult bibs. Some flowers on the bib would be pretty.

  7. Fox.... I have Mary Konior's book, "Tatting with Visual Patterns" Is that first motif in there? I can't find it. Can you tell me what page it's on?

    1. Mad Tatter, it is in one of the older books. - I forget which one.
      Fox : )

  8. Those are lovely motifs! I agree with the comments above that the colors in the pink motif are beautiful. What is the title of the Sumi Fujishigi book? The motifs you've been making are very tempting!

    1. Hi, Mica,
      I am not sure about this book...It is called “Tatting Lace” and there is no English at all in it, though the patterns are pretty clear. I got it for a good price on Etsy, or I do not think I would have purchased i, as there is not a lot in it that I will make use of.... I will post a pic of it in my next post.
      Fox : )

    2. D'oh! (smacks head) Not only do I have that book, I actually have a WIP from that book. Your interpretation in colors is so beautiful and different from the photos in the book that I did not even recognize it! Happy holiday!

  9. So light and airy. I love the larger picots. I need to incorporate them more in my tatting.

    1. I like small picots usually, but larger ones also really do have their place! Thanks for the comment. : )
