
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zwicky Silk To The Rescue

Eight inch diameter
You would think I would learn... I keep promising. It was late when I finished the border last evening and I could not resist sewing it up. Of course, I sewed the ends too well and cannot undo the mistake; I attached the thread to the wrong place!

When I looked this morning, I could not figure a way to fix it without cutting, and I do not want to do that, as the fault can only be detected by the shrewdest of tatting eyes - you know who you are! So, it shall remain  - blemished - but pretty all the same!

The green thread is Zwicky Silk, which is about a #20-#30 in weight, that Krystle sent to me a couple of years ago (can it be that long ago?!). I have two spools of this silk - one in burgundy, one in green - and I save them because this fibre is no longer on the market. It is wonderful thread.

Because I was becoming bored, I added beads to the last round. I am a sucker for white beads - they are my absolute favourite - though I usually use colourful ones for more effect when playing with colour.

Then, I could not resist starting a small motif, though it was by now very late, and so many mistakes were made on the first try. However, it is a great pattern and I am going to finish this before I begin either the small linen square or the BIG one. : )


  1. Hi Fox
    This doily is very beautiful! I don't see the mistake!

  2. You have such a good eye for colour (I'm Australian). So far I have stuck to single colour or variagated threads.
    Meryl in Australia

  3. Great colors. Anyone would think you had planned it that way from the beginning.

  4. Beautiful colours. The design is very unique and the many rings seem to lift up and float. So glad the thread dilemma was resolved.

  5. I have used silk on one project (which is not finished, yet) and it is marvelous to tat with. Especially nice to be able to open a closed ring without much fuss.

    Your project is stunning. The colors are awesome. Wow - just beautifully tatted!!!

  6. I think you get to call those mistakes "design modifications" if most people won't notice that there are only two rings between a tip and base instead of 3...and I really had to hunt to find that!

  7. That top piece is very sharp!! :)
    And I can't wait to see the other motif when it's done!! I really like the colors so far!! :)

  8. I love your colors. That sage and the lilac work so well with the white and pink. I don't see that your unusual join is a problem, who will notice?
    Your new little motif looks interesting with the over lap chains. I think it will be very pretty.
    Good luck with your next project. big or little

  9. I can't see any mistakes. All I see is a beautiful flow of gorgeous colors!

  10. What a beautiful piece! I love the colors and the white beads are so subtle! Did you find silk hard to finish off? My husband bought me some silk thread a while back and I am scared to use it. I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish the ends and that they will keep slipping out.

    1. I find if I tat tighter than usual (silk stretches) that it is the same to finish as cotton thread. Just slipperier. But the ends stay put!
      Fox : )

  11. I love the color selections and I can not see any errors. Any time I do a project that ends up with what *I* think is a glaring error, I think back to something I was told when I was a little kid. We were touring the local museum (a very small 2 room place) that was full of baskets made by the Pomo Indians. We were told that every basket you look at you will find an error. They do not go back to correct the errors because no one on earth is perfect and so the baskets should not be perfect either.

  12. Awesome result!
    I love the white beads, pretty and delicate!

  13. Hi Fox

    That is looking lovely and I like your colours, I wondered what you would used, and the green works well, don't worry about one little mistake, it's your mat and no one else would make that mistake so it's and I have said this before its unique to you.
    Looking forward to seeing your new motif
    Love to Gian

    1. Thank you, Margaret. You are always so very supportive!
      Fox xxooxx
