
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Renulek Returns!

I posted this on InTatters this morning...

"I have stumbled on a remedy for what I thought was a finished piece, as I do not have enough thread in the colours I chose to finish. By accident I saw a ball of lilac and thought... hmmm..... so I tried it. Might just do the trick for the last three rows.”

So, the Renulek Snowlflake doily has been resurrected!


  1. Hi Fox

    Lovely peach mat, I look forward to seeing the next row.
    I think the lilac goes well on the mat,hope you enough for another row that has been posted, and she says there is another one to come.
    Love to Gian

  2. The peach/beige mat is lovely. I like the combination. The Snowflake color combination is nice to look at. They go together very well.

  3. Those are both very pretty ongoing mats. I really like the salmon and ivory and the lilac will work very well on the Renulek Snowflake mat

  4. I am TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH the SNOWFLAKE DOILY IN THESE COLORS!!! You have such a great instinct for color! Although it looks 'classic' in white and is a great design, it just comes alive here! Even DH says it's spectacular!!! But oh, all those picots! I am in awe of your patience and 'fortitude', not to mention your tatting skills and SPEED! Looking forward to the finished piece!

  5. Both of these doilies are exceptional! I love the two colors of purple with the variegated green, it looks wonderful! The orange and tan mat really caught my eye. Your work is so inspiring!

  6. Your Stawasz doily is so gorgeous in those warm peachy colors!!! :)
    And your Snowflake doily is a total work of art!!! :)

  7. Oh lovely lilac. It is growing more beautiful each day.

  8. great job!! I love lillacs :) I love lilacs and your doily is unusual!!!
