
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Asked and Answered

Funny about asking for opinions, which I did. I discovered that
 the consensus was rather split - just like my own decision-making process! 

Thank you for all the input. 

I followed the good advice, tried several threads plus some that I found in my little stash made an executive decision. The final reveal will tell all!


Kathy has been wonderful in sharing her knowledge of the interlocking rings and has done a fine job of explaining how they are done. Many will surely benefit from her efforts. Some tatters, however...


Yesterday, I received a surprise in the post from Frivole:

Frivole believed that I did not enjoy the first samples of Babylo #20 that she sent  to me to try out.

 I actually did enjoy tatting with it immensely; it is the bulky result that I am not certain I like when I compare it to a finer #40 Lizbeth as you can see in the motif designed by Karey that I posted a few days ago.

At any rate, Frivole has generously sent this #30 to try and it looks amazing! Thank you, Frivole!


Also in the mail:

InTatters is an amazing informative tatting resource; I love that site. 

It was there I read about this book being sold off by The Ring of Tatters at a very reduced price. I ordered immediately and just received the book from Britain. It is a good one! Lots in it - even instructions and some Mary Konior patterns.


Only my love for my Grand-baby enabled me to be able to finish this pattern. It is a super pattern and I am inpressed with Karen’s design ability, but for me this is an example of what I call “tortuous tatting”.

Those feet and the inverted chains... don’t ask!

But it is done and in purple as requested; I will get it over to Gray this week. I hope he likes it. He had better like it!
Pattern: Karen Bickerton
Thread: Lizbeth #40
Mistakes: All my own


  1. I cannot remember how man times I tried the interlocking rings before I got one right... I think the thread would have gone around the equator at least once. Eventually, I got it, but I am not sure if I could repeat it now!

    Keep trying. You are gifted. You will have your "Ah HA!" moment soon!

  2. So sorry this didn't seem to work out! I might suggest doing slightly larger rings such as 12-12 and making six total rings. That might give you more room to see how the last ring fits in. . I also used the variegated thread which helped me keep track of the first ring. I can try to do more of a closeup of the final ring procedure.

    The gecko is SO cute, and I'd never guess there were errors! I'm sure your grandson will love it!

  3. I love your gecko, warts and all. he he.
    That is a pretty green thread Frivole sent. Have fun with it.
    I will be interested in seeing the final reveal on your hanky. What color did you chose? Inquiring minds want to know. (yes, I will wait, but impatiently)
    As for the Interlocking rings. the last ring is always a bit fiddly. Good luck with your next try.
    I have that book, I have used it several times for various things.

  4. I did wonder whether the advice you got would be helpful, seeing as there seemed to be as many for pink as there were for yellow. The gecko is wonderful! Surely worth the effort you had to put into it.

  5. Hi Fox

    That gecko is brilliant, well done,
    It takes a lot of time and practice to get them right, keep up the good work,
    You made me laugh with this post, thanks I needed it.
    Love to Gian

  6. If Gray doesn't want that gecko, I do! He's adorable!

  7. He has to love the gecko. If he doesn't,tell him purple is my favorite color and I'll be happy to take it. LOL It's been such a busy week so far that I haven't had a chance to try the final ring in Kathy's tutorial. I've got to work Saturday so I'm not sure I'll get to it before Sunday afternoon, but I DO look forward to giving it a try--okay, maybe several, before I get it right. Have a great day, Fox.

  8. Your gecko is gorgeous - try her Frill-Neck Lizard next, he is a bit of a challenge too, but is what I term "Worth the Effort".
    For some reason, my comment on colours doesn't seem to have shown up in the previous post, but I voted for yellow!

  9. Tulips and a cute gecko! Must be spring. Seriously though, the gecko is adorable and who knows, I'm sure in some rain forest there is a purple gecko. Reptiles and amphibians are amazing...
