
Monday, February 11, 2013

Applause for Jane’s Pram Perfection

I will now subject you to yet another Honey Napkin update:

It is a very mindless tat, going around the motif for the second last time. I am actually enjoying it, as it is not complicated, which is good, because there is a lot of tossing about of the piece as I tat.

It is surprisingly heavy. But, when you consider that there are over two balls of thread tatted here, it makes sense that it has weight.

Now, another kind of update. At the moment, all the record amount of snow is melting because of the warmer rain we are currently experiencing. Yesterday, however, there was a different view, as seen from another angle through the windows of my new digs...


  1. Hi Fox,

    Your Pram look lovely, mine is still on printed pages.
    Your honey mat looks lovely it is certainly your master piece and will one day become an heirloom.
    Its snowing here but not settling at the moment, yesterday it rained all day oh we are so sick of rain. Your view from your window must a be a car park, it looks odd with three cards all the same in the middle.
    Love to Gian
    Hugs Margaret

  2. Sweet baby buggy! :)
    Love that doily yet!! :)

  3. That is a nice pram. Mine is still missing day's 9, 10 & 11. It got set by the wayside for a few days. Today is a snow day - no work, we are closed due to yesterday's blizzard as everyone is still trying to dig out. We got about 15" of heavy snow. I will post pics later of our yard.
    I enjoy seeing your progress on the large doily, or should it be a small tablecloth?

    Is that a car dealership since all the cars are the same? Rain on snow really makes a mess.

    1. This is the roof of a six-story car-park and those are rental cars, to be picked up when needed or returned to that particular site.

      Our snow is almost gone, as it has been raining all day! I don't envy you the clean-up!
      Fox : )

  4. Love the honey napkin...and the updates! It is fun to see your progress bit by bit :-)

  5. Your tatting is beautiful. Love the little Pram and it looks very difficult. Your doily is stunning and I can only imagine how many hours you have tatting over two balls of thread. Such dedication. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  6. TWO balls of thread? - that must be a slip of the mouse! Isn't tatting an economical craft!....unless one has to have gorgeous shuttles like those in the picture.
    Someone at my Tatting Group has just finished her Honey Napkin, and she said it took 5 balls of Milford 20.She also commented on the weight of the finished piece.

    1. Maureen, the Finca balls have 345 meters on them!
      Fox : )

  7. The blue on the honey napkin is really amazing. It's really pops with the other colours. I've yet to tackle anything this big - its really does look impressive. Not sure it would be an easy tat on a crowded train though, which is where most of mine gets done :)

  8. I was wondering how on earth you were managing to tat such a huge item with those tiny balls of perle cotton! I've never seen the large balls of Finca. I buy it in balls the size of DMC perle - and believe it or not, they cost nearly $6 per teeny tiny ball!
    Gorgeous thread though, nicer than DMC - but definitely a luxury.

    1. Wow, that is very expensive. The small balls of variegated perle are less than $3 here, and the large balls are less than $6!

  9. Hi Fox, Thank you for your new year greetings. I love the threads you chose and it makes a lovely pram. The honey napkin is coming along so nicely!! I have a similar view from my bedroom but that car park is always empty.
