
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Inspiration On Post #900!

...comes from Jane E, Frivole and the beads from North Carolina as I did not have any bugle beads before. I have not yet designed with Victorian sets, nor have I used the long picots in one of my own pieces.

Honey Napkin bordom has produced the seedlings of a new design. I have had a doodle in my purse for about two weeks (before I moved) and last night I had a strange dream and this morning began work on this:

Of course it is far too early to show anyone this tat-in-progress, but I was so delighted that the process was even there that I had to post about the beginning!

Already I have changed the design, but the kernel is there and I am hoping it will work - eventually. : )


  1. Looks promising already Fox! Can't wait to see what comes next...

  2. The bugle beads look great with the tatting. Such a contrast between the rigid bead and the flowing thread.

  3. This is going to look wonderful with the beads I'm sure. My tatting needles finally arrived and I've been having a go and have figured out the double stitches and picots :)

  4. I love the term "tat-in-progress" (TIP). Love the new blog header too. Are the balloons giving you inspiration for the pattern?

  5. oh what fun, something new!
    I will be waiting impatiently to see what this becomes.

  6. How are you loading the bugle beads on the thread? I'm amazed at your 900th post! I'm embarrassed to say the low number of posts on mine! You're a tatting and blogging superstar!

    1. Kathy, I just add them normally, as I go. Looks more complicated than it is just fiddly with the big pins. Bobby pins are too thick to use and I do not like paper clips.
      Fox : )
