
Monday, January 21, 2013


... from the Honey Napkin...

which I had to cut AGAIN! Can you believe it? Ah, it is getting so large that it is easy to jump over a join and not even see it till much later. I have to be very careful from now on, as I am weary with taking scissors to my blunders. You can imagine!

However the good news is that I have done something rather... unusual, I think, and it is looking quite wonderful! I shall save the reveal for later. : )

The break this weekend was enough for me to get started on The Boss’s new hat for spring from the new Jan Stawasz book. I am hoping the size will be good; I purchased some #10 Cebelia in order to be able to follow his instructions to a ’t’. Using #10 is a whole new world!

Most of his patterns call for larger thread. It certainly makes a difference tatting with this’rope'. For one thing, I am constantly filling the bobbins. No wonder the Jan Stawasz shuttles are so very large!

This is the crown:

I know The Boss will like it. I just hope it will not be huge on her. I figured using #20 would be too small .


  1. Oh, it's sooo pretty! Love that color! I am going to love seeing this when it is finished! Sorry to hear about having to take the scissors to your Honey Napkin again! Kudos to your perserverance!

    I am trying to teach myself knitting and have had to pull out and redo this scarf about 4 times now. I am trying to learn cabling and have missed actually doing the cables each time! :) I remember to do the first one on the row and then forget to do the rest of them. :) You'd think I would have remembered after the first time after having to pull out and redo a row! ;) One of these days, I am going to try to learn tatting. It is so pretty! I've been following yours and a couple other tatting blogs for inspiration!

    Good luck! Hope Gian is helping! ! !

    1. Thanks, Wollow!
      I see you have fox-itis with knitting issues! I think I might solve most of the problem if I did not tat so far in to the wee hours. Perhaps that is something you do as well?
      Fox : O

  2. That is a very pretty pink. and it will be a pretty hat, even if it is a bit big, then she can wear it longer.

    1. I know, you are right - I just want her to have it be cute immediately!
      Fox : )

  3. I think Jan's hats are beautiful, but I don't think anyone in my family could wear them... they all have too much hair! Sorry to read you had to cut the Honey Napkin again... how frustrating!

    No video of Denise tatting... I wound up going to my daughter's yesterday, and today I have a cold... I don't dare go near Warren!

    1. Lucky family! ALl my old aunts went bald! : O

      No worries - the hat was tatted with Gr-8s - no probemo! I seen to be getting the hang of it very well. I do not know how that happened unless it is just constant use...
      Hope the cold improves fast.
      Fox : )

  4. This hat is going to be absolutely beautiful. Such a pretty color and the crown looks perfect. Oh, will she ever be cute! Karen in OR

  5. Oh my goodness, that is darling...I can hardly wait to get that book! The color you are using is just perfect, my big girl would have loved that...the little one loves purple and blue :-)

    1. Julie, You will love the book. It has so much in it. This looked do-able to me. Some are more intricate.
      Fox : )

  6. Oh...and I meant to say that I am sorry the scissors had to cone out again on your monumentally beautiful honey napkin...

  7. That is gorgeous-love that color!!! :) Can't wait to see the finished project!! :)
    I too am working with size 10 and I love the Tatsy shuttles for it so I don't have to rewind shuttles over and over. The only problem is getting used to working with the extra large shuttle, but I figure it's totally worth it so I don't have to keep rewinding. :)

  8. Hmm, could I wrangle a tasty for such a lovely hat? It sure is lovely, already! Sorry to hear about the HN, how defeating! I admire your perseverance!

  9. That hat will be so pretty! Looking forward to this unusual thing you teased about! Hope those scissors stay away from your napkin in future.

  10. Hi Fox

    You know boss will make you make a smaller one if its too big. Lovely pattern and gorgeous pattern
    Love to Gian
