
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Musings and Mystery

I tatted this heart almost three years ago, and I must say this Mary Konior looks the same as the heart pattern in the new Jan Stawasz book.

Because this man has been outspoken over the years about copyright issues, it strikes me as an odd thing that he has published a book of his designs with a Mary Konior credit in it, attached to one of his designs.

Although he gives credit to her, his design is virtually a replica of Queen of Hearts - with a clover at the tip and not a ring.

It just seems to me to be a bit out of character. Though I have never met the man, nor corresponded beyond ordering shuttles from a relative of his -  he was very ill at the time - I have a distinct impression of his personality.

In my mind, this person would not include in his book his design with “Based on a design by Mary Konior” in the margin in tiny, very inconspicuous type!

Maybe I am way off-base. I had the thought that he has not been involved much with the publishing of the second book, nor with the re-publishing of the first one. His permission must be there, I realize, but I do wonder...  

These are things that go on in my mind when I make colossal tatting errors! You can see why!

Here is another of my Queen of Hearts tattings 
from about three years ago. 

This one is designed by Mary Konior.

Here is my second attempt from that Jan Statsz new book
I have been talking about that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE,
tatted with a thread sample from Snowy

#28/100 MC
Diane said she could not see the mistake, and 
I love her for saying that, but it did not! 

I had missed all but one of the rings on the third round. 
Here are the two motifs together and you can see what happened.


  1. Hi Fox

    I was reading about this heart on Joelle's blog and on intatters, for someone so as you say outspoken about copyright I find a little puzzling.
    It will be some time before I can get the book and now I am wondering if its worth it. I don't have any of his books so I doubt if I will miss it.
    Hope Gian gave you a cuddle


  2. FoxWednesday, January 9, 2013 1:34:00 PM EST
    One thing had nothing to do with the other; the patterns are wonderful. He is an excellent designer

    1. I got cut off... The book is well worth having in my opinion.
      Fox : )

  3. I love this heart - I am in the process of tatting the Jan S. version from the new book. I admire both, and hopefully have the tatting talent to make all the proper connections so it actually comes out shaped like a heart :) I love the book, and look forward to making some of the other motifs!

  4. The Queen of Hearts is lovely! I can't wait to see this book!

    I prefer the second motif without the rings. Happy accident?

  5. Well Fox, that's one possibility I had not considered. It's a shame this issue is detracting from the pleasure of having a new book come out by him as the fact remains that I do like his designs very much.

    Might that be one of Karey Solomon's threads on the second heart?

    1. You have a good eye, Frivole. Indeed this is Karey’s thread - one of the very old ones. : ))

  6. i really like the heart would like to try and make one,can't find the patern thou.
    and as for the two that are side by side... i can't see a difference either!!they both look great

  7. I really had to look hard to find the missing rings. They don't show up that much in my opinion. Both motifs look very nice. I like the vivid greens in the left one.

    As for the patterns and Jan's book. At least there was notation giving credit to MK.

    I do not have any of his books. I have so much available to me in my library right now, and the online free patterns, or the ones available on Etsy, that I haven't bought a book for some time. there would have to be a very compelling pattern for me to buy one at this point.

  8. Tatters,
    Just to be clear: I LOVE the new Jan Stawasz book! His designs are wonderful!

    I was just musing, as the post title suggests!
    Fox : )

  9. I wish my copy would come! - it was posted on December 21st, the same as all the others, but is yet to arrive anywhere in Australia. Very tantalising, seeing all the lovely designs everyone has been tatting from it!

  10. Both hearts look wonderful, but I really love the color you did the second one in. So 'spring-y'. I had to look closely at the first snowflake to tell where the mistake was, it's not glaringly obvious (at least to those of us that didn't make the snowflake and haven't seen the pattern) They both look pretty good, though. Nice colors.

  11. I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive. I am so envious of those of you who have it! Despite the controversy, I do want to hold this book in my hands and look at the designs.

    I guess it doesn't pay to take a strong stand on any issue. Somehow, whether through your own fault or someone else's interpretation of what is being said or done, it comes back to bite you!

    1. One gets used to the little teeth marks!

      You are going to love the book. It is a treasure.
      : ))

  12. I truly had to study both motifs for a good while before finally seeing the missing tiny 'piggy-back' rings on the first one! (It's like one of those picture puzzles where they challenge you to find the differences!) In fact I apparently drifted off for a short nap after finding those rings (must have worn me out!), and woke up with both motifs still on the screen on my tablet (which is sitting on my lap)! I didn't quite understand yesterday what was 'wrong' with the motif and thought it was so pretty! And it still looks fine, but now I know what's missing! Not sure the rings are really necessary!

    It IS interesting that Jan would show a motif that mostly copies Mary's

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I think perhaps I wasn’t clear about what I meant... Hoever, you did get it! I find anomalies endlessly fascinating for many reasons, and here is a lovely tatting mystery attached to a superb tatter. I would love to know more of his story - but not from him!
      Fox : ))

  13. I love the Queen of hearts you've tatted! Both the snowflakes look good!

  14. I love that hear pattern and remember making the one in Konior's book a few years ago. The one thing that never sat right with me was that bottom ring - it just does not seem to flow with the rest of the pattern. Of course the pattern as a whole is so lovely that I was able to overlook that one ring:) I don't have any of Stawasz's books, but am considering getting this one. Your flower motif made in green threads is absolutely beautiful!

    1. Hi, Mica,
      Yes, I think I have to re-tat this, but with Jan’s clover at the end. You can see what a nasty job I tatted on my hearts with the bottom ring... Both did not sit right.

      Thanks - I like that green pattern a lot. It will look very different in a single colour...
      Fox : )

  15. I had to look really hard. It isn't obvious at all!

    1. I had to really look and look again to see why my tatting did not look like the pattern! But, once seen - well, then there is no going back!
      Fox : )

  16. I just knew I would start seeing tatted hearts and yours is gorgeous. I love how lacy it is. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...
