
Monday, January 28, 2013

Mat - Not Hat

I have no idea how Jan Stawasz made this pattern into the cap that you can see in his new book. Nice photo, but I really don't get it. This is very flat - except for this second purple row, in which I increased the ds count to keep it from cupping. Also I am using #8 Finca Perle for the purple and it is a lot thinner than the #10 Cebelia that I bought especially for the hat.

In hindsight, I never needed #10 thread which is very hard on the hands. This pattern could have been tatted in any size for a mat, and I do have pink thread, so I do resent having bought this heavy stuff because the pattern calls for it.  Grumble grumble....

Not the colours I would have chosen, but The Boss most definitely knows her own mind. Really.  : )


  1. I haven't gotten as far as you on some of those JS patterns, but I do find them somewhat difficult to read. The hat doesn't show where one would decrease the number of rings in order to make the hat cup, does it? It does make a fine mat :)

    1. If you look at the 8th row, it would appear that this is where the cupping would, or should, begin. This is where I increased the number of ds.
      Fox : )

  2. The Boss has great taste in colours. I too like pink and purple.

  3. Really, really :)
    I read about your experience with the project of Jan Stawasz with considerable interest.
    Several times I had problems with them.
    But I like them... after all ;)
    Best regards from Poland! :)

    1. Hi, Alicja!
      Yes, his patterns are beautiful and challenging - even if they do not always match the photo!
      Fox : )

  4. It is a right FINE mat! And how clever of Mr. Stawasz to save the shaping for the eighth row -- such a strategy makes the tatting process easier?

    But enough of that, your MAT looks great and The Boss will be thrilled.
