
Monday, November 5, 2012


I love that word! 
Sniezynka. Sure hope it means 'snowflake' in Polish.  ": ))

The Snowflake Doily is coming along.  These colours just do NOT work in this part of the design.  I shall not post my final choice till I have a bit more of it tatted up.

This next  row - #5 - is going to take a while to complete, especially as I am also still tatting Renulek's 2011 Honey Napkin.  How did I end up tatting two humungously-large doilies? I am not even that fond of doilies? How did this happen?

Actually it was Snowy, who alerted me to the fact that these snowflakes are the #5 Row of the doily.  I thought Renulek was taking a break and had posted a new little motif that had nothing whatsoever to do with the doily! Ha!

I had printed out the motif, which looked easy enough and was going to play around with it to relax. Then I read Snowy's comment on the last post and realized my foolish error! Thanks, Snowy. 

This motif is the fifth round of the Snowflake Doily, if I have not made myself clear - all 12 snowflake repeats!

Whilst in stunned realization of this fact, I quickly pulled out a skein of Jess's Calliope and tatted up these earrings as a diversion - That's what Gian told my I did, anyway... Cute? I have them listed on Etsy.

#1/100 Motif Challenge - Another 100!

I actually have tatted quite a lot of this round on the Honey Napkin. This is not a difficult tat so far. It is much more straight-forward than the Snowflake Doily. I can't wait to add in the beads...


  1. 12? Eek, have fun!! :o)
    I really like how the Honey Napkin is coming along. The splash of red is perfectly placed. :o)

    I adore the Calliope earrings!! All your pretty earrings have been a huge reminder that I still need to get my one ear re-pierced. I've been meaning to do it now for almost a year. :o/

  2. I wish I could pronounce that word.
    I think that will be a very stunning doily. You ask what you will do with the doilies? would your children cherish them?

    I like the red clovers in the Honey Napkin.
    and I like your pretty earrings.

    Thank you for the navy blue earrings, they came today in the mail.

  3. Your snowflake looks like it was coming along beautifully and I love the colors even though they don't remind me of snowflakes, just a gorgeous floral motif!!! :)
    And those earrings are so pretty!!! Fabulous colors!! :)
    And your doily is gorgeous!!! :)

  4. I chuckle to think of you working on two doilies at the same time! By any chance are you also working on two hankies? ;-)

    If I could wear earrings, I'd be ordering them left and right. They're wonderful!

  5. I immediately thought of you when I saw that 5th round and all those snowflakes! I thought surely you would decide against continuing it, especially since you'e working on the other one! It's certainly a dramatic and attractive round, and I'm wondering how the snowflakes will be connected! It is kind of funny that you don't even 'like' doilies. however that is a beautiful crocheted one! You have more patience than I do, and you even took the time to test tat Margaret's angel! (I now have the pattern and hope to make it soon!) And you managed to make the earrings, too, not to mention writing posts! You're a busy bee!

  6. Hi Fox

    Your snowflake napkin is going to look lovely, I have not done any more to mine I am still on round three. I still have that fourth round to get into my brain.

    I don't know how you did it tatting two large doilies together, but I am sure when they are finished they will look beautiful.

    Lovely earrings, I love the colours you used.

    You are a real busy bee at the moment, and I am sure Gian is enjoying having you sat down tatting with him.

    Have a good day
    Hugs Margaret

  7. :D
    I also like this word: Śnieżynka! It is creaking as the snow, when there is great frost.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for your both napkins!

  8. Ah, I see, it looks a lot prettier now! I am going to have a go as soon as I am done with the present one. You definately get points for doing two at once! Actually, I know you won't mind whatever colours I go with, no two pieces of tatting ever look alike, even when they are supposed to! That's hand made for you. ;)

  9. Hi:) Well, just wanted to let you know - Śnieżynka is definitely a snowflake, but.. something more like a "lady snowflake', girls in fairytales are called that way:)

    greetings from Poland!

    1. Thank you! I think I like the word even more now!
      Fox : ))
