
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Only 16 More Rows To Go!

Here is the beginning
 - 41/2 inches across -  
of Renulek's 2011 'Honey Napkin.'

It is tatted in this thread - a 2-ply Finca #8:

This is the thread I could not resist purchasing because; 1) it is in a local shop 2) it is very shiny 3) the colours are saturated and lovely. So I bought two balls. Then I made the red earrings, which are still sitting in the shop!  

Now, I am on #3 row, with 16 rows remaining - it is going to be HUGE! 

The question is: should I complete it all in the one colour or add in some strategically placed fabulous red?  I am torn.  So far I have not felt the urge to add the red, but it may strike me along the way.  Any thoughts on this?

While I tat, I am constantly amused by Monsieur Gian.  His antics sure keep me laughing...


  1. Your doily is looking wonderful!! :)
    Siamese cats are really smart!! My parents had one when I was a baby and my dad taught that cat to fetch individually wrapped mint candies and to bring them back to him. Mom said he would throw them into the kitchen from the livingroom and the cat would chase it and bring it back to him to throw again. :)

    1. Thanks, Sue,

      Yes, this breed is very bright. Gian is not only beautiful, but also the smartest of the felines who have picked me to be their human.

      I have played fetch with him since I got him, so was amused by your story. : ))

  2. This should come as no surprise from me, but I say.... Add Color!!
    I love your tatting, but I keep wanting like mix up some dye, grab a toothbrush and just flick some color on there. I'm on my mom's computer though... I don't think she would appreciate a dye splashed screen.
    So, alas, all I can do is suggest RED! :o)
    Gian is just too handsome and manly in that pic! He looks like a big kitty, is he? My Layla is on the smaller(ish) side, with short legs and even a short(ish) tail. But, it suits her as she's a girl.

    1. Ah, I will probably cave and add in the red... : ))

      No, Gian is not overly large - he is very slim and bony! Actually he weighs about 9.5 pounds - the lightest at I have owned. But he thinks he is "Rocky."
      Fox : )

    2. Maybe because all the thinner cats I've seen have also been taller cats, I kind of assumed he was the same. He does a weight a couple pounds less than my short plump kitty, who most certainly is not bony. lol
      I like the "Rocky" :o)

    3. He is skinny but L-O-N-G! So he appears very large - all an optical illusion. Hmmm... You could do a thread in browns/blacks/beige/ and blues - Siamese Symmetry... : ))

  3. I really like your beginning of this doily. I think some strategically placed red here and there will be very striking. I looked at the Honey doily, and will have to look again to see if there are some specific rows that would call out for red. Or you can look at her finished doily and see if anything pops at you.
    just took a look, and if I counted correctly, maybe use red for the clovers in the next round, then rows 9, 14 and 16.

    1. I wrote that too late at night, I meant that you should use the red as the ring thread on those rows, with the ecru as the chain thread. That way there is the accent of red without being too bold.

    2. Ladytats - that is EXACTLY what I did last night! Great minds...
      Fox ; )

  4. I think just a tiny touch of red; perhaps not an entire round, but a delicate "hint"of it, in a couple of rounds? - haven't got the pattern in front of me, so I can't be specific. But if there's something along the lines of clovers in a couple of rounds, then I would do those in red. I think it would be very striking.
    I love Finca too, and can buy it locally, but I haven't used the size 8 much; usually 12 and 16 for edgings.
    I'm interested in seeing how many balls it is going to take!

    1. Maureen, I am curious as to the amount it will take as well. I will add a bit of red, I have already done that...

      Finca is odd for a tatter - I have a love/hate relationship with it and always seem to succumb to buying it from time to time. I love the shine. And it is a nice change from the #40 - rather substantial and heavy.
      Fox : )

  5. Tatting - Go with your instinct. Adding the red?

    Gian is so handsome and clever.

    1. Thank you, Wendy.

      I MUST add red. I just have to!
      Fox : )

  6. Hi Fox

    Of course he's brilliant and clever, he's your cat and I think he did tatting in a previous life, looking lovely today Gian.

    Lovely napkin I would keep it plain but if you want to add red don't over do it, too much would over power it and then it would not look so lovely.


    1. Gian says 'of course.'

      Thanks about the red - my thoughts, too.
      Fox : )

  7. I would go for the touch of red... just think of how beautifully it will stand out! I love the shuttle in the top picture!

    1. hehehe.... I just knew YOU would notice that!!!
      Fox : ))

  8. I really love all of Renulek's patterns and doilies - and this one is going to be a beauty as well! I tend to like solid color doilies - especially in a beautiful ecru or cream like the one you are using.

    Gian is human :) It's amazing to watch the little wheels turn!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I like the solids too, but I get antsy for a change, so I fear...
      Fox : 0

      p.s. He thinks those wheels are as enormous as appear on a Riverboat!

  9. Hi Fox. Your honey napkin is super! How large will it be when finished?
    I've never used Finca thread. What's it like? besides shiny, I mean. Firm or soft? Can you let me know where you purchased it, please? Thanks. Hmm, are you adding red beads to the napkin? That would add a little splash of colour.
    Gian looks quite regal, of course. Is he very vocal?

    1. Suz: This store has been here forever...Melodie Crochette 966 Dundas St W Toronto M6J 1W5

      Finca thread is soft - 2 ply and can be fuzzy. I could send you a bit of the red to try??

      I have no idea how large the doily will be. And you are right! I have beads all picked out but do not know when I shall add them in. : ))

      Gian wants me to change his name to REX. He has already checked in with his LL.B. : 0


  10. As I understand it, Renulek hasn't unveiled Round 5 of her latest doily, so you are 'marking time' by starting this gigantic 'previous' doily of hers! My goodness! I'm impressed with your fortitude and stamina! Her tatting is amazing, and I assume she also designs these doilies! She seems to churn them out as if they were snowflakes! I'm curious how much thread is needed! As for colors, i'd have to print a copy (or two or three) of the photo of the finished doily and use color pencils to see what works! I do love the red thread!

    I definitely can see the wheels turning in Gian's head, even in the photo!

    1. Yes, Kathy, she designs them as they are posted, I think. I just throw caution to the wind and try the colours. If I plan it never seems to pan out!
      Fox : )
