
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cameo Performance

A Fox Original  Brooch 
Zwicky Silk and Gold Delica Beads    
5/100 Motif Challenge

Lots of work here, and I am delighted to say I am really pleased with it, for it is substantial and the Zwicky silk thread (now sadly unavailable, also vintage) which Krystle sent me ages ago, in a deep, rich burgundy, is absolutely the perfect thread and colour for this brooch.

Although I found this gold-plated vintage piece months ago, I have not quite known what to do with it. Since then, it has been sitting on my table, challenging me.  But, I had to wait for the muse to speak.

It is now listed in my Etsy shop. Maybe someone will like it as much as I do and will purchase it as a Christmas gift. I can hope!

Speaking of challenges... While out walking - not running yet with this virus, but walking, finally - I could not help but notice some leaves on the path and I had to bring the selection home for a photo op. 

I am not sure if Jess has already included this in her very broad, beautiful and bodacious colour options, but I do not think she will mind if I attemot to tickle her fancy with this...

Just a thought and an excuse to play with my poor neglected Canon!  I used to spend the time I now spend tatting wresting f-stops, with a big black thing stuck on my face and my finger at the ready!

One other thing...

Always on the lookout for the perfect case, like so many others of you out there in the big, bad world of consumerism as it applies to  Tat-land, I grabbed a tin of Altoids. I dumped the mints right away - hate peppermint - and hoped that this would be “THE ONE.”

You see, I have gone through about three recent adaptations of the ‘travelling tatting kit’ and not one of them has lived up to expectation. 

So, I am back to the original, tried and true method. Just a plain old tin and a zippered case to hold it plus my scissors, extra thread and the tatting. The original item. The real thing. It works.

Now, they ever brought back Ipana toothpaste I would be a happy camper! Ah, sometimes I feel like a walking anachronism...  : ))


  1. Love the cameo!!! I know what you mean about a traveling tatting kit. I have gone through lots of different containers and still cannot seem to find the one I really like.

  2. Love the cameo, you're right, the colours are perfect! My brother and I once went to a fancy dress party dressed as Ipana toothpaste (him) and a toothbrush (me)! That was a very long time ago.

    1. Jane, Would you believe I sing the Ipana song every night to Gian when I brush his teeth!!!

      Yes, it was a LONG time ago. Also, John Lennon apparently stockpiled the stuff - had a basement full of it when he died...
      Fox : ))

    2. Goodness!Thanks for that random bit of information.

  3. The cameo is stunning! I could see it fitting in almost with the steampunk fad.


  4. Hi Fox

    Your cameo looks lovely I am sure it will sell, beautiful colours. well done
    Lovely little picture of the leaves and colours together, I wonder if Jess will take the hint from you.
    Hope you are beginning to feel better,
    take care Love to Gian

  5. This cameo is the most beautiful you ever done!

    1. Orsi - Thank you. I felt it is the best piece I have done to date, so it pleased me to very much to read your comment.
      Fox : )

  6. Speechless again! Fabulous cameo! I can't believe you can let it go!
    And with all your projects, you must never sleep!
    You would not believe my 'tatting kit'. Some day I'll write about it.
    Those leaf colors are gorgeous!

    1. I want to know right now about your tatting kit! No fair with that little tidbit!!!
      Fox : ))

  7. gorgeous broach.
    I too use the Altoids tins, but I do use the mints. he he
    I will have to look up Ipana toothpaste.

  8. The brooch is splendid! The thread and pattern go very well with the cameo. Great job! I, too, have an Altoid tin for my tatting. I sometimes carry more than just it, but always have that tin with me!

  9. Whew! Thank you!

    I was nervous and hoping for at least a few positive comments, because though I liked it, you just never know if it will appeal to others out there! I appreciate your input a lot.
    Fox : )

  10. Gorgeous tatted cameo!! Really love the design.
    Sometimes, the simplest things are the best, and sometimes the 'vintage' things (or way of doing things) brings us comfort in the familiar.

  11. The Cameo is gorgeous!!

    I do love a challenge! These colors would be perfect for this time of year. :o) Consider my fancy tickled! <3

  12. Replies
    1. Hey, Carol! Thanks! Are you tatting again? At all?
      Fox : )

  13. The beads in the tatting echo the setting of the cameo. I think that and the contrast with the dark thread is what makes it look so good. It is beautiful.

    I was given a cosmetic case about 7" x 5". It is very solid and can hold my tatting, shuttles, balls of thread and tools, etc. It is like a clutch purse and lays flat so it is very easy to travel with. I gave up the idea of making a tat travel kit after I was given that. It works so well.

    Thank you for sharing your designs and creativity. You inspire me!

    1. Thank you, StringyDogs, for such kind words. You made my day!
      Fox : )

  14. I love cameos - yours is wonderful with the tatted decoration! Vintage AND repurposing are so "in".

    I like using the tins too - piggy me also eats the mints. I've found some really cute Disney tins in the dollar section at Target - cheaper than the mints! I prefer my dorset bag to carry my projects with pattern in - and I can actually get it into my purse :)

    1. Thanks, Cindy,

      Next time I visit my daughter in the US, I shall have a look!
      Fox : )

  15. Cameo looks great!

    Re: containers for take-along tatting - I have found the IRIS 4"x6" photo storage casses work well to carry in totes or rather large handbags. I also use the IRIS 12"x12" scrapbooking paper storage case to hold multiple 4"x6" cases and various accessories. It fits nicely in my airline 'carry on' bag.

    1. Randi, I have never seen these. I shall keep my eyes open for them. Thanks!
      Fox : )

  16. Oh Fox!!! Your cameo is an absolutely stunning work of art!!!

  17. I love cameos, and if that little beauty sticks around until pay day, she may become mine!

  18. You like it! You really like it!

    Really, I do hope somebody out there has someone on their gift list who would enjoy a little tatted cameo. It’s not a terribly common thing out there in shopping-land.
    Fox : ))

  19. What perfect tatting and I love the gold Delicas which goes so well with the filigree. Well done!! You have been tatting up a storm with your doilies. Lovely colours and very pretty indeed.

  20. Frankly Fox, this is some of your best tatting EVER! I think there's no more I can add.

    (Apart from the fact that I love Misha's shuttle with the blue bobbin matching his amazing eyes)

  21. Val, Umintsuru, Bonnie and Frivole,

    Thank you very much. It is thrilling for me to read your words!
    Fox : ))
