
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tatted Tibetan Agate Pendant

That is it. There are no more large pendants. I have listed this green one and am going to now finish the hanky border, which seems suddenly easy compared to the marathon tatting required to finish the two Tibetan pendants.

It is takes a lot of patience and good eyesight 
to tat around a big, solid piece of metal!

Karey Solomon designed this. I love the shape.
It is one of the best small, heart patterns I have seen.

Peaceable Heart

It came about because I wanted to use some Delica beads that I really like, but have never used before and so I grabbed some leftover white - I think it is Lizbeth#40 and tatted this last night. Too bad the colour of the beads is way off in this pic.

The tatting is wonky; I tatted way too fast and too late - as usual, so I will take more care and tat it again as it pleases me very much.

Lastly, I received my latest Blog-To Print book.

Gian cracks me up.

No sooner had I laid the books on the floor in order to photograph them, when Monsieur headed over to investigate.  Look where he headed first -  right to that big, blue eye on the cover of the middle book.  Not stupid, this cat!

These books cover my entire blogging career since April 2009. I am so glad I decided to chronicle my progress, as it is interesting to me to see my progress chronologically.  

I have tatted SO MUCH!  It astounds me when I sit and look at the books, which is not often, but wonderful when I do. It forces me to actually see what I have accomplished.

Also, by printing the books at regular intervals, at about 110-130 pages each, the cost is not prohibitive. Again - I cannot believe what I have actually tatted in three and a half years!  Get a life, Fox!


  1. Oh I wish you wouldn't change a thing about your tatting life, Fox. You have an adoring public.

    That said, your latest agate pendant is quite lovely.

  2. Another beautiful pendant!! :)
    And sweet heart!! :)
    As for "Get a life, Fox!"-you must have a life-a tatting life! :D

  3. You have a splendid life and you are kind enough to share this part of it with all of could do many other things with ones free time and have nothing in the end to show for it, while you have much! Love the new pendant and the heart is lovely!

  4. Hi Fox

    What do you mean "get a life". What's wrong with your life, you are a tatter so your life is tatting, or you could say you are a crafter, you make things.

    Nice heart, I like the pattern and your choice of beads with the white.
    He likes to get into everything, he would tat if he could, you never know he might have been a tatter in a another life.

    Love to Gian
    Have a good day
    Hugs Margaret

  5. I wondered if you ever realized how much tatting you have done - not to mention posting - and commenting on others' blogs (including mine, thank you)! Your blog is as creative as your tatting! And you've only been tatting for four years! In 22 years I haven't done nearly as much as you have in four! I am doing very little tatting or posting - just spending a lot of time reading about tatting on the blogs or internet and collecting patterns, but not actually tatting them! How sad is that? I have no desire to teach tatting but like to demonstrate it! That's really my only contribution - working hard a few times a yesr to set up at the festivals and talking to people! After 4 years of blogging, my total posts would probably fill only one book, but I'd like to have it printed in those neat books! By the way, do you get to choose the cover photo?

    This latest brooch is excellent and I am amazed at your perseverance in working with those large brooches! You have proved that it IS possible, but, as I assumed, it's difficult to do! I can't get over how you thought of wrapping the stitches AND adding the pearls! Brilliant! You really have charted new waters here!

    I like that heart design also. I think the beads are great! And cute photo (as usual) of Gian!

  6. The pendant looks great. I don't doubt that it won't be in the shop long.
    It is so cool that you have printed out your blog over the years. I keep thinking I should do this but I just haven't done it!
    As for getting a life - I hope you have a happy life and we love it that you have tatting in it:-)
    Tatting is a wonderful skill
    Skills are the key to a full life
    Therefore tatting is my life

  7. Your pendant is beautiful! Love the idea of printing off your blog! I'm going to have to look into that! :)
