
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sussex Shuttle

My cousin brought me a gift.
From Lewes -  Sussex, Britain.
 How sweet is that!

For a non-tatter to spend time in shops looking for a shuttle as a gift - well, that kind of loving behaviour deserves a newly-tatted car decoration, don't you think?

She liked this a lot. 
Said she would rather wear it than hang it in her car!

So, it has gone to its new home in an Auto,
and now resides in Stratford.... 

The pattern for this and lots of other 
I love this book.  
Thanks, Jon!

MY New Car Decoration!

This is one of my designs: The Duchess

I had fun picking out a new motif; 
they do get all bleached out 
and bedraggled-looking,hanging
 for months in the window...

Thoughts For The Day...


  1. Beautiful, and what a lovely idea to have a piece hanging in the car.
    I love your red motif gorgeous colours,
    Now I don't think you would box him up. But he's really pushing his luck sitting in a box, or does he want it as a new bed.
    Have a nice weekend
    Love to Gian
    Hugs Margaret

    1. Thanks, Margaret. He has already lost interest... : ))

  2. lucky you
    lucky cousin
    nice decor for your car
    silly Gian

  3. Oh Gian! Shoe box fit for a king. Reminds me of when my girls were little and they'd left a paper sack on the floor. I went to pick it up and there was a cat in it. :)

  4. Is it a Bone Shuttle? - or ivory? - I can't tell from the picture. It's a really wonderful gift!

    1. Hi, Maureen, It is bone. I know - I was so surprised when she gave it to me. She really kept her eyes open while on the road. Lucky me!
      Fox : )

  5. Is Gian hinting for a new pair of shoes? It looks like a tight fit for a bed.......
    How nice to be surprised and spoiled. Lovely tats. Great idea for hanging one in the car window!

    1. As a teenager I always scorned the bad boys that hung things in their cars... I thought it was so tacky! Now, as a grandmother, I think it is very cool! How funny is that!
      Fox : )

  6. Gorgeous-ness! I should make my cousin a car decoration! I made her one before, and I saw it recently... it had got bleached out as well. :o)

    1. Hi, Jess,
      They are so much fun to tat! My next one for me just might be tatted with a Messy Jessy Chilled Mess! Wouldn't that be pretty?
      Fox : )

  7. Lovely shuttle!
    That Duchess is beautiful!
    Gian- one handsome devil!

  8. The tatted pendant and snowflake are absolutely delightful! Lucky girl you got a bone shuttle for a present! Enjoy. :)

  9. What is Gian doing ? ? ? Is he mad at you? ? ? Is he sulking ? ? ? Would he like to see what Tsuru does in a shoe box? ? ?

  10. Bravo!!! Fox c'est super cette idée pour la voiture!!
    Gian est toujours aussi beau je lui fais des caresses!!!

  11. Great idea to hang tatting in the car! Sure beats fuzzy dice :-)

  12. Wow, Lewes is really close to where I grew up :) its a lovely town to visit.

    1. My cousins go there as often as they can... they LOVE it there.
      : ))
