
Monday, October 1, 2012

Captivating "Cloud"

Another of Diane's famous doodads here in Karey Solomon's "Cloud" pattern. Thanks, Diane! I just love the doodads you sent to me - it is lovely to have such choice.

This great little pattern, from one of Karey's booklets - Let It Snow -  is tatted in Lizbeth #40 - with difficulty. NOT the pattern, you understand, but the thread. Why? Not again!

Then there is this problem:

I have begun the Small Coronet Daily at LEAST 10 times.  No fooling! I am on Round 5 now, in Karey's hand-dyed silk thread and it is FINALLY looking all right.

Perhaps I shall finish it tonight... oh, right!

A little trick for beading in Tim Horton's
The beads are stuck to some duck! duct tape,
which is sturdier and more sticky than masking tape.

A New Hanky - Dollar Store Variety -  $1.00!

This is another of Karey Solomon's patterns.
I quite like it.

But it was not what I had in mind, at the time.  I tried it after I started this one, Jon's Sweetheart Pattern, after I remembered seeing it on Tatting Fool's blog here, but found it very difficult for the dyslexic tatter's brain!  The corner made me crazy!

Also, I realized I do not like so much yellow, so I have chosen another colour. But, I might go with the yellow, after all.  What think you?

I have not begun the new one, as I got busy with the Vintage Pendant.

Thank you Tat-Land, for all the comments and support, as I ventured uneasily into the Etsy- Zone of Tatting Design!

The second bracelet-link Victorian Pendant is in the mail to its purchaser this morning and I am beyond pleased.

I only wish I had more links to use. Sadly, many were injured beyond repair, so there are none left to play with.

But I did find something in a funky, little shop over the weekend.... ahem....  : )

I leave you with a message The Boss
 concerning our day out:

Life is sweet.


  1. Such a wonderful red, it's a shame the thread has flaws. Love the way the tatting fits with the doodad. I like the way yellow in an edging picks up on the yellow flowers in the hankie.

    1. Might have to go with the yellow after all... : )
      Fox : )

  2. Your "Cloud" is wonderful!!! :)
    I love both edgings!!! :)
    I too have had a few balls of Lizbeth threads that make me want to throw them out, but so far they the best threads I have worked with.
    What a sweet note!!! :)

    1. I know! Can't live with Lizbeth and can't live without it!
      Fox : ))

  3. Hi Fox

    I love your doodad pattern it's a pity the thread is not good, but you have made a lovely piece.
    I like the yellow and white edging the best, I know yellow is not your favorite but it looks good.
    You are very welcome to the comments I leave and I am so pleased that you have had two sales, well done. You must be doing something right so keep it up.
    Love to Gian , how is he?
    Hugs Margaret

  4. Thanks, Margaret! Gian is his usual self and sends fierce hisses.
    Fox ; )

    1. I am so pleased he is ok, please watch out for your postman, something is in the post to you.

    2. Oh yes, he is in fine form.

      Hmmm.... I will be watching... curious!
      Fox : )

  5. beautiful tatting + I like both of your on-line patterns
    just need more talent to actually tat them!

    1. Oh, pshah! I am certain you can tat them with no problems at all! They are actually not very difficult or I could not have written them up!
      Thanks for the visit.
      Fox : )

  6. you saved the best for last. What lovely card and what a nice little girl to tell you how much she loves you.
    Your cloud worked out wonderfully. and I do understand about the knots, have you tried contacting Barbara at Handy Hands about the problem?
    as for the edging, could you combine the yellow with say a pink or green? That would cut down on the yellow. personally I dont like the yellow and white, but maybe with your knack for picking the right color of beads to go with the yellow and white, that would work too.

    1. Hi, Ladytats,
      Barb and I have discussed Lizbeth at length, many times! She has been very understanding and generous: she has replaced balls that have been faulty over the years. I seem to get the lemons. Just bad luck.

      I am going to try the yellow again, but with pink beads - very small. Green just does not do it for me with this pattern for some reason. Thanks!
      Fox : )

  7. Keep the yellow - it seems to add definition to the hanky, the white is distracting.
    I've had only one or two slubby balls of Lizbeth,but my trouble is with unpicking! Every time I unpick - every SINGLE time - the thread splits. Sometimes it splits for inches and I have to replace it.
    Before Lizbeth came along, my favourite thread was Cebelia 30, which I can no longer get. Just as much unpicking, but that never gave the same trouble. I think I work better with the softer threads.

    1. Maureen,
      because of this comment I am right now holding the yellow thread and looking in my bead box... : )) Thanks. I was going to go for a green variegated, but I think I will indeed stick with only yellow - though maybe a lighter on as I do not think I have enough of the Milford yellow left.

      I like the Cebelia #30 as well and I never have a problem with it knotting or shredding. It is a great thread. Or was. : (

      Fox ; )

  8. Your "Cloud" is lovely, despite the thread problems! Funny, I've only run into a couple of knots in all of the balls of Lizbeth that I've purchased... must be the luck of the draw. Aren't those little notes the best treasures?

    1. Diane,
      Yes to both! You are lucky for sure and those notes are the best!
      Fox : )

  9. That sweet little card made me tear up. What a lucky grandma and granddaughter!!

  10. Love the note from your Granddaughter, that just brings a smile :-) The hankie is quite pretty...I must be different in how I see things than some of the others as I really liked the yellow and white edging, it seemed to emphasize the pattern of the hankie...the yellow flowers surrounded by the stark white. The other is lovely as well though, I like the pretty beads and the yellow is nice with the colors of the hankie. If it is more enjoyable to tat on top of that...then that is the one to go with.

  11. What a wonderful note from The Boss!! That is sure to bring a smile to your face for along time to come.

    Those are the same doodad's Diane sent me, but so far they are still just setting here waiting to be used. Sad.

    I like the yellow with the white edgeing for your hanky, I don't think it's to much at all. Use it. Although I must say, I do like the yellow edgeing w/ the beads, but the white on the 2nd one just sets it off perfectly. Do it, Fox.

    Lizbeth thread and I don't get along. It's not just you, I seem to always get those types of issues in my threads. When it was first released I contacted Barb about it but nothing was done. I kind of have hard feelings over it, so I don't order much there any more - basically just if I need a solid color.
