
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Brutally Best Blades

I gave the scissors their first real test. This is definitely not a statement that a tatter wants to hear!

Had to cut off that fourth round when tatted in the variegated thread as it was just too much, so I continued with the blue/grey and it is much better.

This row is slow-going; with the beads and the repeats and the clover, it is going to take a while.

See? You cannot see the pattern as well.

A lot of you called the colour in this grey, but it is actually my favourite shade of blue - kind of a 'French blue':

Anything in these colours could convince me to say whatever I had to, to not change a single shade, colour or tone.  I think Diane will agree with me. These colours make me absolutely swoon!

His favourite colour - blue.
 His appreciation of tatting - nil.  
His love of thread - monumental.


  1. you're right there, fox. french blue is a better choice.

  2. Dear Gian:

    You tell her. After all, who's the important one in the house?

    Looking good, bud.

    Your brothers from another mother
    Cisco the cool
    Vader the bad

    PS The new gal here is cute, but she's making use crazy with jumping around.

    1. So, what's her name? Does she like bats?

    2. SHE says the gal's name is Lily. She's an itty bitty thing,lots of spunk. But she keeps jumping at us! We have to biff her into having respect for her elders.

      ur bud in claws

    3. Hey, Cisco!
      I like the sound of her! Show her the ropes and don't let HER turn her against you and Vader. SHE could do that - especially with a cute, little orphan. (She is really cute) You gotta watch that. Show Lily how to throw a big hairball - in HER bed. Teach her how to attack HER thread - that is really important.
      Good luck and maybe you should show Lily my pictures on HER computer. I am very photogenic.
      Many mice to you good buddy,

  3. Oh dear, you'd better get him fed before you lose a hand.

    I agree, the solid color was the right choice for this round.

    1. He is actually very gentle! Poor fellow, I take advantage of his surprisingly sweet disposition and take tremendous poetic license just fun on for tat-ology! Shhh. : )) Fox

  4. Nagyon szép ez a minta ...Én is ezt a mintát készítem...A blogomon látható belőle.... Gratulálok!

  5. I totally agree, french blue sounds so elegant, as how your Lace Mat is going to be.

    Did you change the layout of your blog? It looks refreshing. I like it.

    1. Thanks, Jon!

      Yes, I am glad you noticed. I changed the entire format, wanting it to look cleaner. Glad you think it worked. Me too!

  6. I love your blog posts. I enjoy seeing how your mind works.
    I agree with you, the variegated thread hid the pattern. At least you didn't get any further on the round.
    it is hard to tell the difference of a color online sometimes. but now that you state it has a blue tone to the thread, I can see that you are correct. but then again it does have a lot of grey in it.

    1. This is so complimentary! Thank you! Made my day.

      Yes, it is a real blue/grey.
      Fox : )

  7. Oh, yes! I definitely agree! I am swooning as you read this! :-)

    1. Bring on the smelling salts anytime for French blue! I just knew you would agree!
      Fox : ))

  8. Hi Gian,
    Tell your mother, its important for you to eat when you want it, tatting is her life sorry you don't like it, but she's good at it and tat land needs her.
    Love Margaret

    Hi Fox,

    Oh dear I am sorry your scissors have been in use, I hope the fourth row will not get the better of you. I am going to start the tat a-long tonight, now I have done the Duchess. I love Blue too, its a colour that bends in with anything.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs Margaret

    1. Thanks, Margaret! Perfect example, your test-tat!

      Have fun with the Tat-Along. I'll be watching!
      Fox : )

  9. It looks lovely this way, like the colors very much. It is fun to see how everyone is working on the lace mat.

  10. Your doily is looking very outstanding and I sure can't wait to see the finished project!!! :)

  11. Ouch! I bet it hurt making that cut, but the blue looks much better. Good call!

    1. You are right, Suz! I did wince, but I am glad I did it.
      Fox : )

  12. He has blue eyes, so of course you love the colour. I think your Lace Mat is turning out beautifully, beads and all!

    1. Thank you, Maureen. I debated about the beads, but I am glad I added them.
      Fox : )

  13. Seems to me that Gian's eyes are French blue too! I'm loving the colors in your doily, gorgeous!

    1. His eyes are more sky blue - they are very bright in real life. Thanks for the comments!
      Fox : )

  14. Me too, French blue, I love it! I might have missed it but what's the actual name of the colour? Maybe I need it for my stash... if I don't already have it! Love blues.

    1. Frivole, Of course you must have this beautiful colour! It is Lizbeth #653.
      Fox : )

  15. I did not think your version could get any better, but it has! The French blue is spectacular!
