
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I See Abundant Tatting....

in future weeks.  Now, my wonderful 97 year old aunt is in the hospital and I am the only involved relative in town...  What a time it has been...

behold a new beginning!

This is with Lizbeth #40, which is tatting up very nicely.

Linda Davies's small Coronet Doily, 
which you can download from her blog here.

Just feast your eyes on those split chains! Oh yahhh!

I am also trying to get the pattern for The Duchess written up.
Gotta love tatting.

Rescued from the garbage:

... an old floor tile that my son had in the basement for the kids to play on - one of those rubber interlocking squares that come in primary colours:
I got very excited when I saw that there were a few not yet thrown away.  I grabbed the most useable one and cut it down to the size that you see under the hankie.  

I will not have need for one larger than that, and it is just perfect in depth to accommodate pins!  My son did NOT seem to appreciate what a treasure I had found.  Perhaps Tat-land will!


  1. So sorry to hear about your aunt,
    Best wishes for her and you.
    I like the start on the coronet doily.

    what a find, yes Tat-land will understand what you are talking about.

  2. So sorry about your aunt!
    I love the red!
    We have a bunch of those foam squares around here. They are pretty neat. :o)

  3. What a shame your Aunt is in hospital. I'll say a prayer for you both.
    That's a gorgeous looking doily!

  4. I'm sure your aunt will find comfort in your company.
    Great tatting with the red lisbeth. Enjoy. And, what a good find. I know most people think we collect 'junk' but that's the difference between tatters/crafters vs. those who don't. :)

  5. Hi Fox

    I hope your aunt recovers, you seem to be having a tough time at the moment. Lovely doily and great colour back to your red again.
    Tell you son re-cycling is the new in thing and you know a great item that will be useful when you see it. Crafters always re-cycle where they can, nothing goes to waste even bits of thread, I keep all my longish bits for the butterfly annteners, or to hang snowflakes. There is an old saying "waste not, want not"
    Love as always to Gian,

  6. Sorry you are going to be spending more time hospital visiting. I hope your aunt has a speedy recovery. Oh yay, for recycling! Good find.

  7. What a wonderful thing that your aunt has you in her life! I'm sorry that it means more hospital time for you though. Your coronet doily will be lovely -what a gorgeous rich color!
    You are in my prayers, dear Fox.
